案 àn : (legal) case; incident; record; file; table
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案 驗 àn yàn : investigate the evidence of a case
報 戶 口 bào hù kǒu : apply for a resident permit
報 警 bào jǐng : report (an incident) to the police; give an alarm
本 末 běn mò : the whole course of an event from beginning to end; ins and outs; the fundamental and the incidental
本 末 倒 置 běn mò dǎo zhì : take the branch for the root; put the incidental before the fundamental; put the cart before the horse
變 故 biàn gù : an unforeseen event; accident; misfortune
辨 認 biàn rèn : identify; recognize
捕 風 捉 影 bǔ fēng zhuō yǐng : chase the wind and clutch at shadows - make groundless accusations; speak or act on hearsay evidence
不 測 bù cè : accident; mishap; contingency
不 經 意 bù jīng yì : carelessly; by accident
布 什 bù shí : (George) Bush (former US president)
不 信 任 案 bù xìn rèn àn : no-confidence motion
不 信 任 投 票 bù xìn rèn tóu piào : vote of no-confidence
不 言 而 喻 bù yán ér yù : it goes without saying; it is self-evident
常 駐 cháng zhù : resident; permanent (representative)
持 不 同 政 見 chí bù tóng zhèng jiàn : (politically) dissenting; dissident
持 不 同 政 見 者 chí bù tóng zhèng jiàn zhě : (political) dissident
發 病 率 fā bìng lǜ : incidence of a disease; disease rate
副 總 統 fù zǒng tǒng : vice-president
戈 爾 gē ěr : (Al) Gore (US vice-president)
官 邸 guān dǐ : official residence
戶 口 hù kǒu : registered residence
鍠 [锽] huáng : sound of drums and bells; trident
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會 長 huì zhǎng : president of a club, committee, etc.
會 長 團 huì zhǎng tuán : presidency
鑒 定 jiàn dìng : to appraise; to identify; to evaluate
金 大 中 jīn dà zhōng : Kim Dae Jung (newly elected president of Korea)
居 民 jū mín : resident; inhabitant
居 住 jū zhù : reside; be a resident (of)
拉 莫 斯 lā mò sī : (Philippine President Fidel) Ramos
連 戰 lián zhàn : Lien Chan (Taiwan vice-president)
盧 泰 愚 lú tài yú : Roh Tae-woo (former South Korean president)
蒙 代 爾 mēng dài ěr : (Walter) Mondale (US ambassador to Japan, former US vice-president)
密 «宻» mì : secret; confidential; close; thick; dense
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偶 ǒu : accidental; image; pair; mate
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偶 然 ǒu rán : incidentally; occasional; occasionally
碰 巧 pèng qiǎo : by chance; by coincidence; to happen to
恰 好 qià hǎo : as it turns out; by lucky coincidence
遷 居 qiān jū : to move (from one residence to another)
巧 qiǎo : opportunely; coincidentally; as it happens; skillful; timely
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全 斗 煥 quán dòu huàn : Chun Doo Hwan (former South Korean president)
塞 韋 裡 諾 sài wéi lǐ nuò : [Jean-Michel] Severino [World Bank vice-president, East Asia and Pacific]
殺 人 案 件 shā rén àn jiàn : (case of, incident of) murder
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身 份 shēn fèn : identity; status
失 事 shī shì : (have an) accident
識 別 號 shí bié hào : identifier
氏 shì : clan name; maiden name
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事 件 shì jiàn : event; happening; incident
受 傷 shòu shāng : suffer injuries (in an accident, etc.)
通 用 資 源 識 別 號 tōng yòng zī yuán shí bié hào : universal resource identifier; URI
同 一 tóng yī : identical; the same
王 丹 wáng dān : Wang Dan (Chinese dissident)
魏 京 生 wèi jīng shēng : Wei Jingsheng (Chinese dissident)
無 意 wú yì : inadvertent; accidental
西 方 xī fāng : the West; the Occident; Western countries
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顯 然 xiǎn ran : clear; evident; obvious
現 場 xiàn chǎng : scene (of event or incident)
相 同 xiāng tóng : identical; same
校 長 xiào zhǎng : (college, university) president; schoolmaster
謝 辛 xiè xīn : Chea Sim (Cambodian National Assembly President)
信 «伩» xìn : letter; true; to believe; sign; evidence
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信 任 xìn rèn : trust; have confidence in
信 心 xìn xīn : confidence; faith (in someone or something)
虛 擬 通 道 標 誌 符 xū nǐ tōng dào biāo zhì fú : virtual channel connection identifier; VCI
葉 利 欽 yè lì qīn : (Russian president) Yeltsin
一 致 yī zhì : unanimous; identical (views or opinions)
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院 長 yuàn zhǎng : president (of a university, etc.); department head; dean
遭 zāo : a time; incident; meet by chance; turn
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證 據 zhèng jù : evidence; proof; testimony
駐 [驻] zhù : resident in; stationed in; located at; to station (troops)
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住 宅 zhù zhái : residence; tenement
撞 zhuàng : to hit; to strike; to meet by accident; to run into; to bump against; to bump into
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撞 見 zhuàng jiàn : to meet by accident
總 會 會 長 zǒng huì huì zhǎng : president
總 統 選 舉 zǒng tóng zuǎn jǔ : presidential election
總 統 zǒng tǒng : president (of a country)
總 統 府 zǒng tǒng fǔ : presidential palace
總 統 任 期 zǒng tǒng rèn qī : presidency; term of office
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