曖 昧 ài mèi : illicit; shady; ambiguous
愛 莫 能 助 ài mò néng zhù : willing to help but unable to do so
安 土 重 遷 ān tǔ zhòng qiān : hate to leave a place where one has lived long; be attached to one's native land and unwilling to leave it
百 萬 bǎi wàn : million; millions
百 萬 富 翁 bǎi wàn fù wēng : millionaire
炳 bǐng : bright; brilliant; luminous
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不 甘 bù gān : unreconciled to; not resigned to; unwilling
不 情 願 bù qíng yuàn : unwilling
不 死 心 bù sǐ xīn : unwilling to give up; unresigned
燦 [灿] càn : glorious; bright; brilliant; lustrous; resplendent
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代 理 dài lǐ : acting (temporarily filling a position)
高 明 gāo míng : smart; clever; wise; brilliant
高 興 gāo xìng : happy; glad; willing (to do sth); in a cheerful mood
公 釐 gōng lí : decigram; millimeter
冓 gòu : inner rooms of palace; ten billions
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煥 [焕] «烉» huàn : brilliant; lustrous
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幾 十 億 jǐ shí yì : several billion
餃 jiǎo : dumplings with meat filling
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肯 «肻» kěn : to agree; to consent; to be ready (to do sth); willing
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兩 百 萬 liǎng bǎi wàn : two million
兩 百 億 liǎng bǎi yì : twenty billion
七 百 萬 qī bǎi wàn : seven million
千 萬 qiān wàn : ten million; millions and millions; very many
情 願 qíng yuàn : willingness; would rather (agree to X than Y)
三 千 到 五 千 萬 sān qiān dào wǔ qiān wàn : 30 to 50 million
三 十 五 億 sān shí wǔ yì : 3.5 billion
三 十 億 sān shí yì : three billion
閃 亮 shǎn liàng : brilliant, shiny; flare; glisten; twinkle
捨 得 shě de : to be willing to part with (sth)
十 多 億 shí duō yì : over one billion; more than a billion
十 五 億 shí wǔ yì : one and a half billion
十 億 shí yì : one billion; giga-
數 百 萬 shù bǎi wàn : several million
數 十 億 shù shí yì : several billion
四 百 萬 sì bǎi wàn : four million
威 廉 斯 堡 wēi lián sī bǎo : Williamsburg (Virginia)
五 百 萬 wǔ bǎi wàn : five million
西 裡 爾 字 母 xī lǐ ěr zì mǔ : Cyrillic alphabet; Cyrillic letters
餡 兒 [馅] xiànr : stuffing; filling
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耀 «燿» yào : brilliant; glorious
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燿 «耀» yào : brilliant; glorious
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一 百 五 十 億 yī bǎi wǔ shí yì : 15 billion
一 千 零 五 十 億 yī qiān líng wǔ shí yì : 105 billion
一 千 七 百 萬 yī qiān qī bǎi wàn : seventeen million
一 千 四 百 億 yī qiān sì bǎi yì : 140 billion
億 yì : a hundred million; calculate
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願 [愿] yuàn : hope; wish; desire; ready; willing
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願 意 yuàn yì : to wish; to want; ready; willing (to do sth)
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Zhendic searched illi as en in 0 s.
Searches are case-sensitive and limited to 100 records.
Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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