白 描 bái miáo : line drawing in traditional ink and brush style; simple and straightforward style of writing
鼻 兒 bí er : a hole in an implement or utensil for something to be inserted into; eye
敝 帚 自 珍 bì zhǒu zì zhēn : value one's own old broom - cherish something of little value simply because it is one's own
便 飯 biàn fàn : a simple meal; potluck
並 行 bìng xíng : in parallel [development, implementation, etc]
並 行 不 悖 bìng xíng bù bèi : both can be implemented without coming into conflict; not be mutually exclusive; run parallel
不 單 bù dān : not the only; not merely; not simply
不 簡 單 bù jiǎn dān : not simple; rather complicated; remarkable; marvelous
純 [纯] chún : pure; simple; unmixed; genuine
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純 屬 chún shǔ : pure and simple; sheer; outright
單 韻 母 dān yùn mǔ : simple finals
當 事 人 dāng shì rén : persons involved or implicated; party (to an affair)
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根 本 gēn běn : (not) at all; simply; fundamental; basic; root
搆 «構» gòu : implicate; reach to
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罟 gǔ : implicate; net for birds or fish
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貫 徹 guàn chè : implement; put into practice; carry out
簡 單 化 guò fèn huà : simplification; simplify
過 份 簡 單 化 guò fèn jiǎn dān huà : oversimplication; oversimplify
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簡 單 jiǎn dān : simple; not complicated
簡 單 的 說 jiǎn dān de shuō : to put it simply; simply put
簡 單 網 絡 管 理 協 議 jiǎn dān wǎng luò guǎn lǐ xié yì : Simple Network Management Protocol; SNMP
簡 明 jiǎn míng : simple and clear; concise
簡 朴 jiǎn pǔ : simple and unadorned
精 簡 jīng jiǎn : to simplify; to reduce
決 不 jué bù : not at all; simply (can) not
悾 kōng : simple-minded; sincere
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落 實 luò shí : to implement; to carry out; practical; workable
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蘄 qí : (herb); implore; pray; place name
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牽 扯 qiān chě : involve; implicate
牽 連 qiān lián : (be) implicated
牽 涉 qiān shè : involve; implicated
實 施 shí shī : to implement; to carry out
實 現 shí xiàn : to achieve; to implement; to realize; to bring about
實 行 shí xíng : implement; carry out; to put into practice
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易 «易» yì : (surname); change; easy; simple
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意 味 yì wèi : significance; imply (that)
意 味 yì wèi zhe : signify; mean; imply
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原 因 很 簡 單 yuán yīn hěn jiǎn diān : the reason is very simple
執 行 zhí xíng : implement; carry out; to execute; to run
只 是 zhǐ shì : merely; simply; only; but
顓 [颛] zhuān : (surname); good; simple
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Zhendic searched impl as en in 0 s.
Searches are case-sensitive and limited to 100 records.
Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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