安 裝 ān zhuāng : install; erect; fix; mount; installation
分 期 付 款 fēn jī fù kuǎn : installment
核 設 施 hé shè shī : nuclear facility; nuclear installation
基 礎 設 施 jī chǔ shè shì : base station; base installation
內 置 nèi shì : internal; internally installed
設 備 shè bèi : equipment; facilities; installations
設 施 shè shī : facilities; installation
設 置 shè zhì : to set up; to install
置 «寘» shì : to install; to place; to put
Big5: , Unicode:
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language
裝 置 物 zhuāng zhì wù : fixture; installation
組 裝 zǔ zhuāng : assemble and install
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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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