暗 中 àn zhōng : in the dark; in secret; on the sly; surreptitiously
傲 視 ào shì : turn up one's nose; show disdain for; regard superciliously
不 知 不 覺 bù zhī bù jué : unconsciously; unwittingly
慘 [惨] cǎn : miserable; wretched; cruel; inhuman; seriously; badly; tragic
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曾 «曽» céng : (refers to something that happened previously); already; at some time in the past; before; once
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曾 經 céng jīng : (refers to something that happened previously); once; at one time
讒 [谗] chán : slander; defame; misrepresent; to speak maliciously
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從 前 cóng qián : previously; formerly
訥 nè : large; speak cautiously
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切 實 qiè shí : feasible; earnestly; conscientiously; realistic; practical
認 真 rèn zhēn : earnest; serious; take seriously; take to heart
四 年 前 sì nián qián : four years previously
無 意 識 wú yì shì : unconsciously
先 前 xiān qián : before; previously
意 想 不 到 yì xiǎng bù dào : unexpected; previously unimagined
早 先 zǎo xiān : previously; before
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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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