阿 富 汗 ā fù hàn : Afghanistan; Afghan
巴 基 斯 坦 bā jī sī tǎn : Pakistan
幫 手 bāng shou : helper; assistant
幫 助 bāng zhù : assistance; aid; to help; to assist
本 家 běn jiā : a member of the same clan; a distant relative with the same family name
邊 幣 biān bì : Border Region currency (consisting of the currency notes issued by the Border Region governments during the War of Resistance Against Japan and the War of Liberation)
編 輯 biān jí : edit; compile; (assistant) editor; compiler
不 抵 抗 主 義 bù dǐ kàng zhǔ yì : policy of nonresistance
不 即 不 離 bù jí bù lí : be neither too familiar nor too distant; keep sb at arm's length
不 遠 千 里 bù yǎn qiān lǐ : make light of traveling a thousand li; go to the trouble of traveling a long distance
長 途 網 路 cháng tú wǎng lù : long distance network
傳 輸 距 離 chuán shū jù lí : transmission distance
逴 chuò : apparent; distant; highly
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抵 抗 dǐ kàng : to resist; resistance
抵 抗 力 dǐ kàng lì : resistance; immunity
抵 制 dǐ zhì : resistance; refusal (to cooperate); boycott
窵 [窎] diào : deep; distant; profound
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副 fù : secondary; auxiliary; deputy; assistant; vice-; (measure word for a pair)
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伙 «夥» huǒ : assistant; furniture; partner
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夥 «伙» huǒ : assistant; partner; many; great; numerous
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距 jù : at a distance of; distance; to be apart
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距 離 jù lí : distance; to be apart
卡 拉 奇 kǎ lā qí : Karachi (Pakistan)
抗 日 戰 爭 kàng rì zhàn zhēng : (China's) War of Resistance against Japan (1937-1945)
抗 戰 kàng zhàn : war of resistance, especially the war against Japan (1937-1945)
离 «離» lí : (distant) from; to leave
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洛 德 luò dé : (Winston) Lord (former assistant Secretary of state for East Asia and Pacific Affairs)
袤 mào : length; distance from north to south
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裨 pí : (surname); assistant; small
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邃 suì : deep; distant; mysterious
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塔 吉 克 斯 坦 tǎ jí kè sī tǎn : Tajikistan
望 «朢» wàng : hope; expect; to visit; to gaze (into the distance); look towards; towards
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相 隔 xiāng gé : be separated by (distance or time, etc)
協 助 xié zhù : provide assistance; aid
謝 裡 夫 xiè lǐ fū : (Nawaz) Sharif (Prime Minister of Pakistan)
遙 yáo : distant; remote; far; far away
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遙 望 yáo wàng : to look into the distance
遙 遠 yáo yuǎn : distant; remote
伊 斯 蘭 堡 yī sī lán bǎo : Islamabad (Pakistan)
營 業 員 yíng yè yuán : clerk; shop assistant
逌 yóu : distant; joyous; satisfied
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援 助 yuán zhù : aid; assistance; support; help
遠 [远] «逺» yuǎn : far; distant; remote
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遠 程 yuǎn chéng : remote; long distance; long range
遠 端 yuǎn duān : far end; remote end; remote; distant
真 納 zhēn nà : (Mohammad Ali) Jinnah (founder of Pakistan)
支 援 zhī yuán : provide assistance or backing; to support; to back
助 教 zhù jiào : teaching assistant
助 手 zhù shǒu : assistant; helper
專 員 zhuān yuán : assistant director
阻 力 zǔ lì : obstacle; hindrance; resistance; obstruction
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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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