昂 昂 áng áng : high-spirited; brave-looking
辮 子 biàn zi : plait; braid; pigtail; a mistake or shortcoming that may be exploited by an opponent; handle
勃 然 bó rán : agitatedly; excitedly; vigorously
步 調 一 致 bù diào yí zhì : to be united in action
不 合 bù hé : not conform to; be unsuited to; be out of keeping with; should not; ought out
不 羈 bù jī : unruly; uninhibited
不 速 之 客 bù sù zhī kè : uninvited or unexpected guest
不 止 bù zhǐ : incessantly; without end; more than; not limited to
訪 問 美 國 fǎng wèn měi guó : to visit the United States; a trip to the U.S.
呼 籲 美 國 hū yù měi guó : to call on the United States; to appeal to the U.S.
荒 無 人 煙 huāng wú rén yān : desolate and uninhabited
驕 傲 jiāo ào : arrogant; conceited; full of oneself
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纍 [累] léi : bind; creep; dispirited
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聯 合 國 lián hé guó : United Nations
美 國 měi guó : America; American; United States; USA
盟 國 méng guó : allies; united countries
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無 人 wú rén : unmanned; uninhabited
限 期 wú xiàn : unlimited; unbounded
無 限 期 wú xiàn qī : unlimited (time) duration
有 期 徒 刑 yǒu qī tú xíng : limited term of imprisonment (i.e. anything less than life imprisonment)
著 zháo : (resultat. compl.); ignited; to touch
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州 zhōu : (United States) state; province; sub-prefecture
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自 負 zì fù : conceited; responsible
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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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