暗 娼 àn chāng : unlicensed (unregistered) prostitute
北 京 語 言 學 院 běi jīng yǔ yán xué yuàn : Beijing languages institute
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婊 子 biǎo zi : prostitute; whore
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充 chōng : fill; satisfy; fulfill; to act in place of; substitute; sufficient; full
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代 dài : substitute; replace; generation; dynasty; geological era; era; age; period
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電 機 及 電 子 學 工 程 師 聯 合 會 diàn jī jí diàn zǐ xué kōng gōng chéng lián hé huì : IEEE; Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
頂 [顶] dǐng : go against; most; peak; top; to replace; to substitute; a measure word (use with "hat")
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構 成 gòu chéng : to constitute; to form; to compose; to make up
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妓 女 jì nǚ : prostitute; hooker
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取 代 qǔ dài : substitute; to replace; to supplant
取 而 代 之 qǔ ér dài zhī : substitute; remove and replace (someone)
上 海 戲 劇 學 院 shàng hǎi xì jù xué yuàn : Shanghai Theatrical Institute
所 長 suǒ zhǎng : head of an institute, etc.
替 tì : to substitute for; to take the place of; to replace; for; on behalf of; to stand in for
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學 院 xué yuàn : college; educational institute; school; faculty
研 究 機 構 yán jiū jī gòu : research institute
研 究 所 yán jiū suǒ : research institute
佔 «占» zhàn : to occupy; to constitute; to make up; to account
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組 成 zǔ chéng : component; part; element; constitute; make up
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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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