百 事 通 bǎi shì tōng : knowledgeable person; know all
博 聞 強 記 bó wén qiáng jì : have wide learning and a retentive memory; have encyclopedic knowledge
不 辨 菽 麥 bù biàn shū mài : be unable to tell beans from wheat - have no knowledge of practical matters
不 經 一 事 不 長 一 智 bù jīng yī zhì bù zhǎng yī zhì : you can't gain knowledge without practice; wisdom comes from experience
不 理 bù lǐ : refuse to acknowledge; pay no attention to; take no notice of; ignore
承 認 chéng rèn : recognize; to acknowledge; to admit
技 術 知 識 jì shù zhī shi : technical knowledge
見 聞 jiàn wén : what one sees and hears; knowledge; information
巨 擘 jù bò : thumb; authority (knowledgeable person)
科 學 kē xué : science; scientific knowledge; scientific
識 [识] shí : to know; knowledge
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識 見 shí jiàn : knowledge and experience
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學 問 xué wèn : learning; knowledge
知 識 工 程 師 zhī shì gōng chéng shī : knowledge worker
知 識 庫 zhī shì kù : knowledge base
知 識 zhī shi : intellectual; knowledge-related; knowledge
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智 慧 zhì huì : wisdom; knowledge
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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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