伯 bǎi : father's elder brother; senior
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拜 壽 bài shòu : congratulate an elderly person on his birthday; offer birthday felicitations
抱 頭 痛 哭 bào tóu tòng kū : cry on each other's shoulder
背 bēi : to be burdened; to carry on the back or shoulder
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揹 負 bēi fù : bear; carry on the back; have on one's shoulder
北 大 荒 běi dà huāng : the Great Northern Wilderness (in Northern China)
筆 桿 bǐ gǎn : the shaft of a pen or writing brush; pen-holder; pen
筆 架 bǐ jià : pen rack; pen-holder
避 諱 bì hù : taboo against using the personal names of emperors or one's elders
臂 章 bì zhāng : armband; armlet; shoulder emblem
扁 擔 biǎn dān : carrying pole; shoulder pole
表 姐 biǎo jiě : older female cousin
表 兄 biǎo xiōng : male cousin with a different surname (older than oneself)
並 肩 bìng jiān : alongside; shoulder to shoulder; side by side; abreast
伯 bó : paternal elder uncle; eldest of brothers; respectful form of address
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伯 伯 bó bo : father's elder brother; uncle
伯 父 bó fù : father's elder brother; (polite form of address for a man who is about the age of one's father)
伯 母 bó mǔ : wife of father's elder brother; aunt; (polite form of address for a woman who is about the age of one's mother)
擔 [担] dān : to undertake; to carry; to shoulder; to take responsibility
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銲 hàn : to solder; weld by heat
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Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language
釬 hàn : to solder; weld by heat
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夾 [夹] jiā : clip; folder; hold between; to press from both sides; to place in between
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坰 jiōng : environs; wilderness
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爵 jué : nobility; (ancient wine holder with 3 legs and loop handle)
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扛 «摃» káng : carry on one's shoulder
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Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language
曠 [旷] «昿» kuàng : waste; wilderness
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昆 kūn : descendant; elder brother
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晜 kūn : descendant; elder brother
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困 惑 kùn huò : bewilder; perplexity; confused
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老 年 人 lǎo nián rén : old people; the elderly
迷 mí : bewilder; crazy about; fan; enthusiast; lost; confused
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前 輩 qián bèi : senior; older generation
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姒 sì : (surname); wife of older brother
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聳 肩 sǒng jiān : to shrug one's shoulders
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Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language
翁 wēng : (surname); elderly person
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Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language
孝 敬 xiào jìng : to respect; to give presents (to one's elders or superiors)
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長 [长] zhǎng : chief; head; elder; to grow; to develop
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姊 妹 zǐ mèi : (older and younger) sisters
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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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