案 àn : (legal) case; incident; record; file; table
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案 件 àn jiàn : law case; legal case; judicial case
案 子 àn zi : long table; counter; <¤f> case; law case; legal case; judicial case
貶 謫 biǎn zhé : banish from the court; relegate
不 法 bù fǎ : lawless; illegal; unlawful
代 表 dài biǎo : representative; delegate; to represent; to stand for
代 表 團 dài biǎo tuán : delegation
盜 版 dào bǎn : pirate version (of software, e.g.); pirated (illegal) copy
法 理 fǎ lǐ : legal principle; jurisprudence
法 制 fǎ zhì : legal system and institutions
犯 毒 fàn dú : illegal drug; narcotic
斐 fěi : (phonetic); (surname); elegant
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高 雅 gāo yǎ : dainty; elegance; elegant
合 法 hé fǎ : lawful; legitimate; legal
合 法 化 hé fǎ huà : to legalize; to make legal; legalization
例 假 lì jià : legal holiday; menstrual period
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違 法 wéi fǎ : illegal; to break the law
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彥 yàn : accomplished; elegant
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窈 yǎo : deep; quiet and elegant
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遺 留 yí liú : (leave or be a) legacy; left over; hand down (to next generation)
一 行 yì xíng : party; delegation
優 美 yōu měi : graceful; fine; elegant
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彧 yù : accomplished; elegant
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矞 yù : grand; elegant; propitious
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藻 zǎo : (aquatic grasses); elegant
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證 物 zhèng wù : exhibit (legal)
專 案 組 zhuān àn zǔ : special (legal|judicial) investigations group
Zhendic searched lega as en in 0 s.
Searches are case-sensitive and limited to 100 records.
Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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