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Zhendic, a Chinese (trad.)-Pinyin-English dictionary
based on CEDICT
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chéng : multiplication

[祷] dǎo : prayer; pray; supplication

Big5: ë, Unicode: 79b1 (禱),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

diǎn xíng yòng : typical use; typical application

guò fèn jiǎn dān huà : oversimplication; oversimplify

xué biān : science editor (of a publication)

yìng yòng : client application

kùn rǎo : perplex; cause complications

shāng yìng yòng : business application

shēn qǐng : apply (for); application (form, etc.)

shēn qǐng shū : application

shí yìng yòng : practical application

wǎng yìng yòng : network application

wǎng luò yìng yòng : network application

yìng yòng : to use; to apply; application; applicable

yìng yòng céng : application layer

yìng yòng chéng shì : application; (computer) program

yìng yòng chéng shì jiè miàn : application programming interface; API

yìng yòng píng tái : application platform

yìng yòng ruǎn jiàn : application software

yìng yòng ruǎn : application software

yòng : use; application

zhāo pìn : take job applications; advertise job offers

zhōu kān : weekly publication; weekly

zhuān yòng chéng diàn : ASIC; Application-specific integrated circuit

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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict

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