暗 娼 àn chāng : unlicensed (unregistered) prostitute
幫 凶 bāng xiōng : accomplice; accessory
報 警 bào jǐng : report (an incident) to the police; give an alarm
薄 片 bó piàn : thin slice; thin section
崗 [岗] «岡» gǎng : mound; policeman's beat
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警 察 jǐng chá : police; policeman; policewoman
警 察 局 jǐng chá jú : police department
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片 piàn : a slice; piece; flake; thin; slice
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Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language
通 緝 tōng jī : wanted by the police (fugitive or criminal)
通 行 tōng xíng : license (computer)
同 謀 tóng móu : to conspire with someone; (be an) accomplice; to plot; (co)conspirator; partner in crime
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巡 邏 xún luó : be on (police) patrol
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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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