包 工 bāo gōng : undertake to perform work within a time limit and according to specifications; contract for a job; contractor
邊 際 biān jì : limit; bound; boundary
不 敢 越 雷 池 一 步 bù gǎn yuè léi chí yī bù : dare not go one step beyond the prescribed limit
不 止 bù zhǐ : incessantly; without end; more than; not limited to
初 步 chū bù : initial; preliminary; tentative
遏 制 è zhì : check; contain; hold back or within limits
範 圍 fàn wéi : range; scope; scope; limit
劃 [划] huà : to delimit; to transfer
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盡 [尽] jìn : to use up; to exhaust; to end; to finish; to the utmost; exhausted; finished; to the limit (of sth)
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局 限 性 jú xiàn xìng : limitations
杪 miǎo : the limit; tip of branch
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年 限 nián xiàn : age limit; fixed number of years
排 斥 pái chì : reject; exclude; eliminate; remove
刨 páo : eliminate; to dig; to question
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期 限 qī xiàn : time limit; deadline; allotted time
清 除 qīng chú : eliminate; get rid of
汰 tài : to discard; to eliminate; too
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淘 táo : cleanse; eliminate; to clean out; to wash
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淘 汰 táo tài : to die out; to eliminate (in a competition); natural selection
限 期 wú xiàn : unlimited; unbounded
無 限 期 wú xiàn qī : unlimited (time) duration
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限 度 xiàn dù : limitation; limit
限 制 xiàn zhì : (impose) restrictions; to limit; to bound; to restrict
消 除 xiāo chú : to eliminate; to remove
野 «埜» yě : field; plain; open space; limit; boundary; rude; wild
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有 期 徒 刑 yǒu qī tú xíng : limited term of imprisonment (i.e. anything less than life imprisonment)
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約 束 yuē shù : restrict; limit to
醞 釀 yùn niàng : mull over (an issue); carry on a preliminary round of exploratory discussions
幀 首 定 界 符 zhèng shǒu dìng jiè fù : start of frame delimiter
制 止 zhì zhǐ : to curb; to put a stop to; to stop; to check; to limit
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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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