八 面 玲 瓏 bā miàn líng lóng : be smooth and slick (in establishing social relations)
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頒 佈 bān bù : promulgate; issue; publish
辦 到 bàn dào : to accomplish; to get sth done
爆 破 bào pò : to blow up; to demolish (using explosives); dynamite; blast
貝 克 bèi kè : Baker (English surname)
笨 bèn : stupid; foolish; silly; slow-witted; clumsy
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畢 其 功 于 一 役 bì qí gōng yú yī yì : accomplish the whole task at one stroke
編 印 biān yìn : compile and print; publish
編 製 biān zhì : weave; plait; braid; work out; draw up; authorized strength; establishment
波 蘭 語 bō lán yǔ : Polish (language)
駁 倒 bó dǎo : demolish sb's argument; refute; out-argue
布 朗 bù lǎng : English surname, Brown
擦 cā : to wipe; to erase; rubbing (brush stroke in painting); to clean; to polish
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成 就 chéng jiù : accomplishment; success; attain a result; achievement
成 立 chéng lì : establish; set up
成 chèng : finish; complete; accomplish; become; turn into; win; succeed; one tenth
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痴 «癡» chī : imbecile; sentimental; stupid; foolish; silly
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出 版 chū bǎn : to publish; to come off the press; to put out
出 版 社 chū bǎn shè : publishing house
創 建 chuàng jiàn : to found; to establish
創 立 chuàng lì : to found; establish; originate
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磋 cuō : deliberate; to polish
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達 成 dá chéng : to reach (an agreement); to accomplish
大 功 告 成 dà gōng gào chéng : successfully accomplished (project or goal); to be highly successful
呆 «騃» dāi : foolish; stupid; no expression; stay
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戴 維 斯 dài wéi sī : Davis (English surname)
登 dēng : scale; climb; ascend; mount; go up; register; note; to publish; to issue; to record
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奠 定 diàn dìng : establish; fix; settle
發 表 fā biǎo : to issue (a statement); to publish; to issue; to put out
廢 [废] «廃» fèi : abolish; crippled
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功 gōng : merit; achievement; result; service; accomplishment
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公 佈 gōng bù : publicly announce; to make public; to publish
琯 guǎn : mus. instr.; to polish jade or gold
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館 [馆] «館» guǎn : house; establishment
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建 jiàn : to establish; to found; to set up; to build; to construct
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建 交 jiàn jiāo : to establish diplomatic relations
建 立 jiàn lì : creation; set up; construction; build; establish; set up
建 立 正 式 外 交 關 係 jiàn lì zhèng shì wài jiāo guān xì : formally establish diplomatic relations
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刊 登 kān dēng : carry a story; publish (in a newspaper or magazine)
鑢 lǜ : (surname); polishing tool
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美 味 měi wèi : delicious; relish
披 露 pī lù : to reveal; to publish; to make public; to announce
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軟 體 出 版 協 會 ruǎn tǐ chū bǎn xié huì : Software Publishers Association
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設 [设] shè : to set up; to arrange; to establish; to found; to display
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設 法 shè fǎ : try; think of a way (to accomplish something)
設 立 shè lì : to set up; to establish
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泰 羅 tài luó : (English surname) Tylo
唐 納 táng nà : Tanner (English surname)
完 成 wán chéng : complete; accomplish
問 世 wèn shì : to be published; to come out
修 xiū : to decorate; to embellish; to repair; to build; to study; to write; to cultivate
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英 yīng : (surname); English; brave
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英 尺 yīng chǐ : (English) foot (unit of measurement)
英 國 yīng guó : England; Britain; English
英 文 yīng wén : English (language)
英 語 yīng yǔ : English (language)
悠 久 yōu jiǔ : established; long
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中 國 日 報 zhōng guó rì bào : China Daily (an English language newspaper)
足 球 zú qiú : football (British English); soccer (American English)
作 為 zuò wéi : accomplish; action; to regard (sth as sth); to look upon (sth as); conduct
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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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