阿 昌 族 ā chāng zú : the Achang nationality living in Yunnan
白 族 bái zú : the Bai (Pai) nationality; living in Yunnan
保 安 族 bǎo ān zú : the Baoan (Paoan) nationality; living in Gansu
本 地 běn dì : local; this locality
本 領 běn lǐng : skill; ability; capability
本 事 běn shì : ability; skill; source material; original story
本 性 běn xìng : natural instincts; nature; inherent quality
本 質 běn zhì : essence; nature; innate character; intrinsic quality
崩 龍 族 bēng lóng zú : the Benglong (Penglung) nationality; living in Yunnan
筆 底 下 bǐ dǐ xià : ability to write
筆 頭 bǐ tóu : ability to write; writing skill; written; in written form
閉 門 造 車 bì mén zào chē : make a cart behind closed doors; work behind closed doors; divorce oneself from the masses and from reality and act blindly
閉 目 塞 聽 bì mù sè tīng : shuts one's eyes and stop up one's ears - be out of touch with reality
不 等 號 bù děng hào : sign of inequality
不 等 式 bù děng shì : inequality
不 見 棺 材 不 落 淚 bù jiàn guān cái bù luò lèi : not shed a tear until one sees the coffin - refuse to be convinced until one is faced with grim reality
不 可 能 的 事 bù kě néng de shì : impossibility
不 可 侵 犯 權 bù kě qīn fàn quán : inviolability
不 完 全 中 立 bù wán quán zhōng lì : imperfect neutrality
不 朽 bù xiǔ : immortal; immortality
不 虞 bù yú : unexpected; eventuality; contingency; not worry about
不 育 症 bù yù zhèng : sterility; barrenness
才 cái : ability; talent; endowment; gift; an expert; only (then); only if; just
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才 干 cái gàn : ability; competence
才 略 cái lǜe : ability and sagacity
才 能 cái néng : talent; ability; capacity
才 識 cái shí : ability and insight
才 智 cái zhì : ability and wisdom
長 期 穩 定 性 cháng qī wěn dìng xìng : long term stability
承 擔 chéng dān : undertake; assume (responsibility, etc.)
傳 輸 設 備 chuán shū shè bèi : transmission facility; transmission equipment
創 作 力 chuàng zuò lì : originality
擔 [担] dān : to undertake; to carry; to shoulder; to take responsibility
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擔 [担] dàn : a picul (133.33 lbs.); burden; a load; responsibility
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道 德 dào dé : moral; morality; virtue
德 «惪» dé : Germany; virtue; goodness; morality; ethics; kindness; favor; character; kind
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得 de : a sentence particle used after a verb to show effect; degree or possibility
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分 擔 fēn dān : share responsibility
服 務 質 量 fú wù zhì liàng : Quality of Service; QOS
負 責 任 fù zé rèn : responsibility for; blamed for; be in charge of
蓋 然 性 gài rán xìng : probability
高 質 量 gāo zhì liàng : high quality
個 性 gè xìng : individuality; personality
公 益 事 業 gōng yí shì yè : utility
貴 族 guì zú : lord; nobility; nobleman
核 設 施 hé shè shī : nuclear facility; nuclear installation
互 操 性 hù cāo xìng : interoperability
互 通 性 hù tōng xìng : interoperability (of communications equipment)
機 動 性 jī dòng xìng : flexibility
兼 容 性 jiān róng xìng : compatibility
精 神 jīng shén : vigor; vitality; drive; spiritual
爵 jué : nobility; (ancient wine holder with 3 legs and loop handle)
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可 能 kě néng : might (happen); possible; probable; possibility; probability
可 能 性 kě néng xìng : possibility; probability
可 行 性 kě xíng xìng : feasibility
可 行 性 研 究 kě xíng xìng yán jiū : feasibility study
可 移 植 性 kě yí zhí xìng : portability (programming language)
靈 活 性 líng huó xìng : flexibility
民 mín : the people; nationality; citizen
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民 族 mín zú : nationality; ethnic group
名 副 其 實 míng fù qí shí : not just in name only, but also in reality
能 力 néng lì : capability; capable; able; ability
寧 靜 níng jìng : tranquil; tranquility
謙 遜 qiān xùn : humble; humility; modesty
親 切 qīn qiè : amiable; friendliness; gracious; hospitality; intimate; cordial; kind; close and dear; familiar
任 rèn : to assign; to appoint; office; responsibility
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少 數 民 族 shǎo shù mín zú : minority nationality; national minority
伸 縮 性 shēn suō xìng : flexibility
生 產 能 力 shēng chǎn : manufacturing ability
生 產 設 施 shēng chǎn shè shī : production facility
生 命 力 shēng mìng lì : vitality
生 育 能 力 shēng yù néng lì : fertility; ability to have children
生 殖 力 shēng zhí lì : fertility
實 際 shí jì : actual; reality; practice
實 際 上 shí jì shàng : in fact; in reality; as a matter of fact; in practice
實 際 性 shí jì xìng : practicality
實 在 shí zài : in reality; honestly; really; verily; concrete
勢 力 shì li : power; (ability to) influence
適 應 性 shì yìng xìng : suitability
死 亡 率 sǐ wáng lǜ : mortality rate
特 色 tè sè : characteristic; distinguishing feature or quality
推 tuī : push; refuse (responsibility); shove
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維 吾 爾 族 wéi wú ěr zú : the Uygur (Uighur) nationality, living in Xinjiang
穩 定 性 wěn dìng xìng : stability
無 能 wú néng : inability; incapable; powerless
現 實 xiàn shí : reality; actuality; real; actual
心 目 xīn mù : mentality; mental attitude; viewpoint
移 植 性 yí zhí xìng : portability
引 咎 yǐn jiù : take the blame; accept responsibility (for a mistake)
越 野 車 yuè yě chē : off-road vehicle; all terrain vehicle; sport utility vehicle
藏 族 zàng zú : Tibetan nationality
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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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