安 眠 酮 ān mián tóng : methaqualone; hyminal
安 心 ān xīn : feel at ease; be relieved; set one's mind at rest; keep one's mind on something
辦 法 bàn fǎ : means; method; way (to do something)
抱 薪 救 火 bào xīn jiù huǒ : carry faggots to put out a fire - adopt a wrong method to save a situation and end up by making it worse
備 而 不 用 bèi ér bù yòng : have something ready just in case; keep something for possible future use
背 光 bèi guāng : be in a poor light; do something with one's back to the light; stand in one's own light
奔 頭 兒 bèn tóu er : something to strive for; prospect
逼 上 樑 山 bī shàng liáng shān : be driven to join the Liangshan Mountain rebels; be driven to revolt; be forced to do something desperate
鼻 兒 bí er : a hole in an implement or utensil for something to be inserted into; eye
敝 帚 自 珍 bì zhǒu zì zhēn : value one's own old broom - cherish something of little value simply because it is one's own
變 通 biàn tōng : be flexible; accommodate something to circumstances
標 新 立 異 biāo xīn lì yì : start something new in order to be different; do something unconventional or unorthodox; create something new and original
表 記 biǎo jì : something given as a token; souvenir
別 開 生 面 bié kāi shēng miàn : start something new or original; break a new path; break fresh ground
補 法 bǔ fǎ : treatment involving the use of tonics to restore the patient's health; reinforcing method (in acupuncture)
補 瀉 bǔ xiè : reinforcing and reducing methods (in acupuncture)
不 服 bù fú : not accept (something); want to have (something) overruled or changed; refuse to obey or comply; refuse to accept as final; remain unconvinced by; not give in to
不 聞 不 問 bù wén bù wèn : not bother to ask questions or listen to what's said; show no interest in sth; be indifferent to something
不 屑 bù xiè : disdain to do sth; think sth not worth doing; feel it beneath one's dignity to do something
策 «筞» cè : method; plan; policy; scheme
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曾 «曽» céng : (refers to something that happened previously); already; at some time in the past; before; once
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曾 經 céng jīng : (refers to something that happened previously); once; at one time
瞠 chēng : stare at something beyond reach
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承 諾 chéng nuò : effort; undertaking; promise (to do something)
吃 不 上 chī bu shàng : be unable to get something to eat; miss a meal
傳 輸 媒 界 chuán shū méi jiè : transport method
傳 輸 模 式 chuán shū mó shì : transfer mode; transmission method
大 事 dà shì : a major event; (do something) in a big way
待 dài : wait; treat; deal with; need; about; intending to do something
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道 dào : direction; way; method; road; path; principle; truth; reason; skill; method; Tao (of Taoism); a measure word; to say; to speak; to talk
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等 到 děng dào : wait until; by the time when (something is ready, etc)
定 做 dìng zuò : to have something made to order
對 於 duì yú : regarding; as far as (something) is concerned; with regards to
法 fǎ : law; method; way; Buddhist teaching; Legalist
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方 法 fāng fǎ : method; way; means
訪 問 方 式 fǎng wèn fāng shì : access method
負 責 人 fù zé rén : person in charge (of something)
幹 事 gàn shi : administrative secretary (in charge of something)
公 然 gōng rán : (do something) openly; undisguised; publically
呼 籲 hū yù : call on (someone to do something); appeal; to appeal (to)
換 取 huàn qǔ : give something and get something in return
會 不 會 huì bù huì : (posing a question: whether someone, something) can or not; is able to or not
獲 益 huò yì : obtain a benefit; profit from something
接 jiē zhe : continue; went on to (do something); to follow; to carry on; then; after that
就 是 jiù shì : (emphasizes that something is precisely or exactly what is stated); precisely; exactly; even; if; just like; in the same way as
決 定 jué dìng : to decide (to do something); to determine; to resolve
矛 頭 指 向 máo tóu zhǐ xiàng : target someone or something (for attack, criticism, etc.)
勉 強 miǎn qiǎng : manage (to do something) with difficulty
描 紅 miáo hóng : to trace over red characters (as a method of learning to write)
名 義 míng yì : titular; (do something) in (someone's) name
迫 使 pò shǐ : force (someone to do something)
勸 導 quàn dǎo : try to convince; advise (someone to do something)
讓 [让] ràng : to ask; to let; permit; have (someone do something); to yield; to allow
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認 定 rèn dìng : maintain (that something is true); be of the firm opinion that; to firmly believe
設 法 shè fǎ : try; think of a way (to accomplish something)
實 肘 shí zhǒu : full arm (method of painting)
手 段 shǒu duàn : method; mean (of doing sth)
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討 厭 tǎo yàn : disgusting; troublesome; nasty; to hate (doing something)
套 tào : to cover; covering; case; cover; (a measure word, a set of something); sheath
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突 顯 tū xiǎn : make something stand out; make something prominent
無 關 wú guān : unrelated; having nothing to do (with something else)
相 信 xiāng xìn : be convinced (that something is true); believe; to accept sth. as true
信 心 xìn xīn : confidence; faith (in someone or something)
行 將 xíng jiāng : be about to (do something)
興 趣 xìng qu : interest (directed towards, not inherent in something)
虛 腕 xū wàn : empty wrist (method of painting)
要 求 yāo qiú : request; require; stake a claim (to something); to ask; to demand
一 旦 yī dàn : in case (something happens); once (something becomes true, then...); in one day
疑 惑 yí huò : (a sense of) uncertainty; feel unsure about something
有 關 yǒu guān : to have something to do with; to relate to; to concern; concerning; related to
有 條 有 理 地 yǒu tiáo yǒu lǐ de : methodically; systematically
遭 到 zāo dào : suffer; meet with (something unfortunate)
證 實 zhèng shí : confirm (something to be true); to verify
正 在 zhèng zài : in the process of (doing something or happening); while (doing)
指 法 zhǐ fǎ : finger method (in painting)
止 痛 法 zhǐ tòng fǎ : method of relieving pain
贅 疣 zhuì yóu : wart; something superfluous
眼 zhuó yǎn : have one's eyes on (a goal); have something in mind
尊 重 zūn zhòng : to value (something); to esteem; to respect
作 法 zuò fǎ : course of action; method of doing something; practice; modus operandi
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