避 重 就 輕 bì zhòng jiù qīng : avoid the important and dwell on the trivial; keep silent about major charges while admitting minor ones
Big5: , Unicode:
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language
少 數 shǎo shù : small number; few; minority
少 數 民 族 shǎo shù mín zú : minority nationality; national minority
突 厥 tū jué : Turkic (minority group in China)
未 成 年 人 wèi chéng nián rén : minor
未 成 年 者 wèi chéng nián zhě : minor (not an adult)
小 題 大 做 xiǎo tí dà zuò : make a big fuss over a minor issue
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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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