表 演 biǎo yǎn : perform; act; play; show; performance; exhibition; demonstrate
夔 kuí : one-legged monster; respectful
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鯤 [鲲] kūn : sea-monster; young of fishes
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龐 然 大 物 páng rán dà wù : huge monster
示 範 shì fàn : demonstrate; demonstration
示 威 shì wēi : hold a (protest) demonstration
示 威 遊 行 shì wēi yóu xíng : a (protest) demonstration
示 威 者 shì wēi zhě : demonstrator; protester
顯 示 xiǎn shì : to show; to illustrate; to display; to demonstrate
小 臟 鬼 xiǎo zāng guǐ : dirty little monster (spoken affectionately to a child who has gotten him(her)self dirty; literally "little dirty ghost")
演 示 yǎn shì : to demonstrate; to show
妖 yāo : goblin; witch; devil; bewitching; enchanting; monster; phantom
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遊 行 yóu xíng : march; parade; demonstration
證 [证] zhèng : to prove; to demonstrate; to confirm; certificate; proof
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Zhendic searched mons as en in 0 s.
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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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