伴 bàn : a partner; companion or associate; to accompany; comrade
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伴 唱 bàn chàng : vocal accompaniment; accompany a singer; support of sb; echo sb; chime in with sb
伴 隨 bàn suí : to follow; to accompany
伴 奏 bàn zòu : to accompany (musically)
曹 «曺» cáo : a company; a class; a generation; (a surname)
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儕 [侪] chái : a class; a company; companion
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廠 商 chǎng shāng : company; firm
搭 伴 dā bàn : travel with another; accompany another
大 公 司 dà gōng sī : large company; corporation
電 腦 公 司 diàn nǎo gōng sī : computer company
電 腦 企 業 diàn nǎo qǐ yè : computer company; computer firm
公 司 gōng sī : (business) company; company; firm; corporation; incorporated
公 司 會 議 gōng sī huì yì : company meeting
廣 告 商 guǎng gào shāng : advertising company
國 營 guó yíng : state-run (company, etc); nationalized
航 空 公 司 háng kōng gōng sī : airline; airline company
佳 能 jiā néng : Canon (Japanese company)
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蓮 花 lián huā : Lotus (computer company)
陪 péi : to accompany; to keep sb. company
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酺 pú : drink heavily; drink in company
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企 業 qǐ yè : company; firm; enterprise
企 業 間 網 路 qǐ yè jiān wǎng lù : extranet; company-external network
企 業 內 網 路 qǐ yè nèi wǎng lù : intranet; company-internal network
軟 件 企 業 ruǎn jiàn qǐ yè : software company
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松 下 sōng xià : Matsushita (Japanese electronics company)
提 供 商 tí gōng shāng : provider (company)
外 國 公 司 wài guó gōng sī : foreign company
伍 wǔ : associate with; five; company
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著 zhe : part. indicates accompanying action
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製 造 商 zhì zào shāng : manufacturing company
總 裁 zǒng cái : chairman; director-general (of a company, etc)
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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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