愛 莫 能 助 ài mò néng zhù : willing to help but unable to do so
暗 疾 àn jí : unmentionable disease; a disease one is shamed of
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不 克 bú kè : cannot; to not be able (to); to be unable to
不 辨 菽 麥 bù biàn shū mài : be unable to tell beans from wheat - have no knowledge of practical matters
不 得 而 知 bù dé ér zhī : unknown; unable to find out
不 會 bù huì : improbable; unlikely; will not (act; happen; etc; ); have not learned to; be unable to
不 近 人 情 bù jìn rén qíng : not amenable to reason; unreasonable
不 可 思 議 bù kě sī yì : inconceivable; unimaginable
不 可 終 日 bù kě zhōng rì : be unable to carry on even for a single day; be in a desperate situation
不 了 bù liǎo : unable to; without end
不 像 話 bù xiàng huà : unreasonable; shocking; outrageous
吃 不 上 chī bu shàng : be unable to get something to eat; miss a meal
吃 不 下 chī bu xià : not feel like eating; be unable to eat any more
吃 不 消 chī bu xiāo : be unable to stand (exertion; fatigue etc; )
吃 不 住 chī bu zhù : be unable to bear or support
合 理 hé lǐ : rationale; reasonable
合 情 合 理 hé qíng hé lǐ : reasonable and fair
噤 jìn : unable to speak; silent
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轗 kǎn : unable to reach one's aim
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流 行 liú xíng : popular; fashionable; prevalent
蠻 橫 mán hèng : rude and unreasonable
髦 «犛» máo : bang (hair); fashionable; mane
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髳 máo : bang (hair); fashionable; mane
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沒 有 生 育 能 力 méi yǒu shēng yù néng lì : infertile; unable to have children
耐 nài : to be unbearable; unable to endure
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使 shǐ : to make; to cause; to enable; to use; to employ; messenger
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順 [顺] shùn : to obey; to follow; to arrange; to make reasonable; along; favorable
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無 理 wú lǐ : irrational; unreasonable
眾 志 成 城 zòng zhì chéng chéng : "Unity of will is an impregnable stronghold" (proverb)
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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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