辦 報 bàn bào : to run a newspaper
報 [报] bào : to announce; to inform; report; newspaper; recompense; revenge
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報 館 bào guǎn : newspaper office
報 刊 bào kān : newspapers and periodicals; the press
報 社 bào shè : general office of a newspaper; newspaper office
報 頭 bào tóu : masthead (of a newspaper; etc); nameplate
報 系 bào xì : newspaper chain; syndicate
報 紙 bào zhǐ : newspaper; newsprint
報 紙 報 導 bào zhǐ bào dǎo : newspaper report
補 白 bǔ bái : filler (in a newspaper or magazine)
訂 [订] dìng : to agree; to conclude; to draw up; to subscribe to (a newspaper, etc.); to order
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讀 賣 新 聞 dú mài xīn wén : Yomiuri Shimbun (Japanese newspaper)
份 «彬» fèn : (a measure word for gifts, copies of a newspaper); copy (of newspaper, magazine, etc.); share; portion; part; (a measure word)
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華 盛 頓 時 報 huá shèng dùn shí bào : Washington Times (newspaper)
華 盛 頓 郵 報 huá shèng dùn yóu bào : Washington Post (newspaper)
機 關 報 jī guān bào : official (government-operated) newspaper
刊 登 kān dēng : carry a story; publish (in a newspaper or magazine)
明 報 míng bào : Ming Pao newspaper (Hong Kong)
南 華 早 報 nán huá zǎo bào : South China Morning Post (newspaper in Hong Kong)
紐 約 時 報 niǔ yuē shí bào : New York Times (newspaper)
社 論 shè lùn : editorial (in a newspaper)
時 報 shí bào : "Times" (newspaper, e.g. New York Times)
頭 版 tóu bǎn : (newspaper's) front page
小 報 xiǎo bào : tabloid newspaper
星 島 日 報 xīng dǎo rì bào : Sing Tao Daily (newspaper)
中 國 日 報 zhōng guó rì bào : China Daily (an English language newspaper)
中 國 時 報 zhōng guó shí bào : China Times (newspaper)
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Searches are case-sensitive and limited to 100 records.
Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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