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Zhendic, a Chinese (trad.)-Pinyin-English dictionary
based on CEDICT
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: the "Eight Banners" (military organization in Qing Dynasty)

bǎi tān : set up a stall; maintain a large staff and organization

西 běi yán gōng yuē zhī : the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

便 biàn hán : an informal letter sent by an organization

biāo zhǔn zhī : standards organization; standards body

zhù zhī : auxiliary organizations

cǎi gòu : make purchases for an organization or enterprise; purchase

fēi yíng de zhī : non-profit organization

fēi zhèng zhī : non-governmental organization (NGO)

guó biāo zhǔn zhī : International Standards Organization; ISO

gòu : organization; agency; institution

jīn huì : a foundation (ie, an organization)

jiàn zhì : organizational structure

jiào xué gòu : educational organization

jiē : admit (into membership of an organization)

: club (i.e. a group or organization)

貿 mào zhī : trade organization

míng chēng : name (of a thing); name (of an organization)

pīn yīn : pinyin (Chinese romanization)

rén quán guān chá : Human Rights Watch (organization)

shāng gòu : commercial organization

貿 shì jiè mào zhī : WTO (World Trade Organization)

shì jiè wèi shēng zhī : World Health Organization

貿 shì mào zhī : WTO (World Trade Organization)

zhì : system; organization

tuán : group; organization; team

xiàn dài huà : modernization

tài jīng zhī : APEC (organization)

yán : strict; tight (organization, surveillance, etc.)

zhèng gòu : government organization

zhèng zhì gòu : political organization

zhī : organization

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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict

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