按 步 就 班 àn bù jiù bān : follow the prescribed order; keep to conventional ways
暗 疾 àn jí : unmentionable disease; a disease one is shamed of
本 意 běn yì : original idea; real intention
標 新 立 異 biāo xīn lì yì : start something new in order to be different; do something unconventional or unorthodox; create something new and original
並 重 bìng zhòng : lay equal stress on; pay equal attention to
不 客 氣 bú kè qì : you're welcome; impolite; rude; blunt; don't mention it
不 干 涉 bù gān shè : noninterference; nonintervention
不 懷 好 意 bù huái hǎo yì : harbor evil designs; harbor malicious intentions
不 可 同 日 而 語 bù kě tóng rì ér yǔ : cannot be mentioned in the same breath
不 理 bù lǐ : refuse to acknowledge; pay no attention to; take no notice of; ignore
不 露 聲 色 bù lù shēng sè : not show one's feeling or intentions
不 勝 枚 舉 bù shèng méi jǔ : too numerous to mention individually or one by one
不 問 bù wèn : pay no attention to; disregard; ignore; let go unpunished; let off
不 謝 bù xiè : don't mention it; not at all
不 在 意 bù zài yì : pay no attention to; take no notice of; not mind; negligent; careless
不 注 意 bù zhù yì : thoughtless; not pay attention to
睬 cǎi : pay attention; take notice of; to care for
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常 規 cháng guī : conventional (weapons); conventional; common; routine
常 規 武 器 cháng guī wǔ qì : conventional weapon
衝 突 chōng tū : conflict; conflict; clash of opposing forces; contention
打 算 dǎ suàn : to plan; to intend; to calculate; plan; intention; calculation
動 機 dòng jī : motive; motivation; intention
發 明 fā míng : to invent; invention
防 治 fáng zhì : (prevention and) cure
該 [该] gāi : that; the above-mentioned; most likely; to deserve; should; ought to; owe
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公 約 gōng yuē : convention (i.e. international agreement)
關 注 guān zhù : follow (an issue) closely; to pay close attention to
諱 huì : avoid mentioning; to taboo
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舉 世 矚 目 jǔ shì zhǔ mù : attract worldwide attention
理 會 lǐ huì : pay attention to; take notice of
癃 lóng : infirmity; retention of urine
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密 切 注 mì qiè zhù yì : close attention (to sth)
上 面 shàng mian : on top of; above-mentioned
上 述 shàng shù : above-mentioned
提 tí : to carry; to lift; to put forward; (upwards character stroke); lifting (brush stroke in painting); to mention
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提 醒 tí xǐng : remind; call attention to; warn of
未 提 及 wèi tí jí : not mentioned
以 上 yǐ shàng : more than; above; over; the above-mentioned
意 圖 yì tú : intent; intention; intend
應 該 說 yīng gāi shōu : it should be mentioned that ...
有 意 yǒu yì : intend; intentionally
在 密 切 注 意 zài mì qiè zhù yì : to pay close attention (to sth)
爭 論 zhēng lùn : to argue; to debate; to contend; argument; contention; controversy; debate
爭 論 點 zhēng lùn diǎn : contention
重 視 zhòng shì : importance; to pay attention to; attach importance to; value
注 «註» zhù : to inject; to pour into; to concentrate; to pay attention; to note; to comment on; to record; to register; to annotate
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注 意 zhù yì : take note of; (pay) attention (to)
注 重 zhù zhòng : pay attention to; emphasize
轉 移 zhuǎn yí : shift; divert (investment, attention, etc.); migrate
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