愛 國 ài guó : patriotic; love of country; patriotism
半 壁 江 山 bàn bì jiāng shān : half of country
邦 bāng : a state; country or nation
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報 國 bào guó : dedicate oneself to the service of one's country
背 包 bēi bāo : knapsack; rucksack; infantry pack; field pack; blanket roll
北 方 běi fāng : north; the northern part of the country especially the area north of the Yellow River (Huang-He)
北 國 běi guó : the northern part of the country; the North
本 國 běn guó : one's own country
本 土 běn tǔ : one's native country; metropolitan territory
閉 關 自 守 bì guān zì shǒu : close the country to international intercourse
步 兵 bù bīng : infantry; foot; infantryman; foot soldier
步 哨 bù shào : sentry; sentinel
城 鄉 chéng xiāng : city and countryside
成 員 國 chéng yuán guó : member country
出 訪 chū fǎng : visit a foreign country
川 chuān : river; creek; plain; an area of level country
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大 國 dà guó : a power (i.e. a dominant country)
發 達 fā dá : developed (country, etc.); flourishing; to develop
發 達 國 fā dá guó : developing country
發 展 的 國 家 fā zhǎn de guó jiā : developing country; developing nation
發 展 中 國 家 fā zhǎn zhōng guó jiā : developing country
非 核 國 家 fēi hé guó jiā : non-nuclear country
幅 員 fú yuán : a country's surface area; extent of a country
各 地 gè dì : in all parts of (a country); various regions
各 國 gè guó : each country; every country; various countries
工 業 化 國 家 gōng yè huà guó jiā : industrialized country
國 [国] «圀» guó : country; state; nation
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國 產 guó chǎn : made in one's own country; made in China
國 內 guó nèi : domestic; internal (to a country); civil
國 旗 guó qí : flag (of a country)
核 大 國 hé dà guó : a nuclear power (country)
接 待 jiē dài : receive (a visit); admit (entry to)
境 內 jìng nèi : within (a country's) borders
境 外 jìng wài : outside (a country's) borders
開 國 元 勛 kāi guó yuán xūn : founding fathers (of a country)
鄰 國 lín guó : bordering country; neighbor country; neighboring countries; surrounding countries
馬 裡 mǎ lǐ : Mali (name of a country)
蔓 延 全 國 màn yán quán guó : to spread throughout the entire country
名 流 míng liú : gentry; celebrities
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南 方 nán fāng : south; the southern part of the country; the South
內 政 nèi zhèng : internal affairs (of a country)
叛 變 pàn biàn : renegade; traitor; to betray one's country
全 國 quán guó : entire country; nationwide
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同 胞 tóng bāo : fellow citizen or countryman
外 國 wài guó : foreign (country)
憲 法 xiàn fǎ : constitution (of a country)
鄉 [乡] xiāng : country; village
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鄉 下 xiāng xià : country (as opposed to town or city); rural
亞 太 國 家 yā tài guó jiā : Asian country; Asian nation
亞 洲 國 家 yà zhōu guó jiā : Asian country; Asian nation
一 國 兩 制 yì guó liǎng zhì : one country, two systems (China-Taiwan)
總 統 zǒng tǒng : president (of a country)
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