按 下 葫 蘆 浮 起 瓢 àn xià hú lú fú qǐ piáo : solve one problem only to find another cropping up
包 括 bāo kuò : to comprise; to include; to involve; to incorporate; to consist of
冰 消 瓦 解 bīng xiāo wǎ jiě : melt like ice and break like tiles; disintegrate; dissolve
波 及 bō jí : spread to; involve; affect
豺 «犲» chái : ravenous beast; wolves (collect.)
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纏 [缠] chán : to bother; wind around; wrap round; coil; involve; annoy; tangle
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當 事 人 dāng shì rén : persons involved or implicated; party (to an affair)
都 «都» dōu : all; both (if two things are involved); entirely (due to)each; even; already
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對 方 duì fāng : counterpart; other person involved; opposite side; other side; receiving party
關 [关] guān : (surname); mountain pass; to close; to shut; to turn off; to concern; to involve
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回 «囬» huí : (a measure word for matters or actions) a time; to circle; to go back; to turn around; to answer; to return; to revolve
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迴 «回» huí : to curve; to return; to revolve
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迴 轉 huí zhuǎn : revolve; rotate; rotation
解 決 jiě jué : to settle (a dispute); resolve; to resolve; to solve
解 散 jiě sàn : dissolve; disband
解 釋 jiě shì : explanation; to explain; to interpret; to resolve
解 析 jiě xī : to analyze; to resolve
介 入 jiè rù : intervene; get involved
捲 入 juǎn rù : to draw into; to involve
決 定 jué dìng : to decide (to do something); to determine; to resolve
糜 mí : dissolved; rice-gruel; wasted
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牽 扯 qiān chě : involve; implicate
牽 涉 qiān shè : involve; implicated
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溶 解 róng jiě : dissolve; solution
涉 «渉» shè : involve; concern; wade; to experience
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涉 及 shè jí : involve; touch upon (a topic)
雙 方 shuāng fāng : bilateral; both sides; both parties involved
圍 繞 wéi rǎo : revolve around; center on (an issue)
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析 疑 xī yí : to resolve a doubt
下 決 心 xià jué xīn : determine; resolve
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演 yǎn : to develop; to evolve; to practice; to perform; to play; to act
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衍 變 yǎn biàn : to develop; to evolve
演 變 yǎn biàn : to develop; to evolve
有 關 人 士 yǒu guān rén shì : persons involved; those connected with (sth)
運 轉 yùn zhuǎn : to work; to operate; to revolve; to turn around
轉 [转] «転» zhuàn : to revolve; to turn; to circle about; to walk about
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左 輪 手 槍 zuǒ lún shǒu qiāng : revolver
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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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