賁 臨 bì lín : (of distinguished guests) honor my house; firm; etc; with your presence
不 端 bù duān : improper; dishonorable
不 名 譽 事 物 bù míng yù shì wù : dishonor
誠 實 chéng shí : honest; honesty; honorable; truthful
崇 chóng : high; dignified; lofty; to honor
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公 gōng : just; honorable (designation); public; common
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供 血 者 gōng xuè zhě : blood donor
光 彩 guāng cǎi : honorable; reputable
光 榮 guāng róng : honor and glory
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捐 贈 者 juān zèng zhě : donor; contributor
令 «令» lìng : make or cause to be; order; command; decree; honorable
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器 官 捐 獻 者 qì guān juān xiàn zhě : organ donor
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誓 約 shì yuē : honor-bound; bound by an oath
授 勛 shòu xūn : to award an honor
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尊 嚴 zūn yán : dignity; sanctity; honor
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Searches are case-sensitive and limited to 100 records.
Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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