幫 腔 bāng qiāng : vocal accompaniment in some traditional Chinese operas
梆 子 腔 bāng zǐ qiāng : a general term for local operas in Shangxi; Henan ; Hebei; Shandong; etc; the music of such operas
刨 工 bào gōng : planing; planing machine operator; planer
報 務 員 bào wù yuán : telegraph operator; radio operator
變 賣 biàn mài : sell off (one's property)
稟 [禀] «廪» bǐng : natural property or endowment; report to (a superior)
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不 自 量 bú zì liàng : not take a proper measure of oneself; overrate one's own abilities
不 當 bù dàng : unsuitable; improper; inappropriate
不 動 產 bù dòng chǎn : real estate; immovable property; immovables
不 端 bù duān : improper; dishonorable
不 對 碴 兒 bù duì chá er : not proper; not fit for the occasion
不 二 法 門 bù èr fǎ mén : the one and only way; the only proper course to take
不 妥 bù tuǒ : not proper; inappropriate
不 務 正 業 bù wù zhèn yè : not engage in honest work; ignore one's proper occupation; not attend to one's proper duties
財 [财] cái : money; wealth; riches; property; valuables
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財 物 cái wù : property; belongings
操 縱 cāo zòng : to operate; to control
操 作 環 境 cāo zuò huán jìng : operating environment
操 作 速 率 cāo zuò sù lǜ : operating speed
操 作 系 統 cāo zuò xì tǒng : operating system
產 [产] chǎn : to reproduce; to produce; give birth; products; produce; resources; estate; property
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產 權 chǎn quán : property right
產 業 chǎn yè : industry; estate; property; industrial
出 «岀» chū : to go out; to come out; to occur; to produce; to go beyond; to rise; to put forth; to occur; to happen; (a measure word for dramas, plays, or operas)
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大 舉 dà jǔ : carry out a large-scale (military) operation
當 [当] dàng : at or in the very same...; to pawn; suitable; adequate; fitting; proper; replace; represent
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得 dé : obtain; get; gain; proper; suitable; proud; contented; allow; permit; ready; finished
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得 宜 dé yí : proper; appropriate; suitable
抵 制 dǐ zhì : resistance; refusal (to cooperate); boycott
電 腦 業 者 diàn nǎo yè zhě : software developer
多 邊 合 作 duō biān hé zuò : multilateral cooperation
浮 點 運 算 fú diǎn yùn suàn : floating point operation
骨 法 gú fǎ : bone (property of a brush stroke)
掛 好 guà hǎo : to hang up properly (telephone, picture, clothes, etc.)
好 好 兒 地 hǎo hāor de : properly; thoroughly
合 作 hé zuò : to cooperate; to collaborate; to work together; cooperation
互 操 性 hù cāo xìng : interoperability
互 通 hù tōng : to intercommunicate; to interoperate
互 通 性 hù tōng xìng : interoperability (of communications equipment)
蠖 huò : looper caterpillar
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機 關 報 jī guān bào : official (government-operated) newspaper
經 營 jīng yíng : engage in (a business activity, etc.); run; operate
卡 西 尼 kǎ xī ní : Cassini (proper name)
開 [开] kāi : open; operate (vehicle); start
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開 刀 kāi dāo : to perform or have an operation; to operate on or to be operated on
開 發 人 員 kāi fā rén yuán : developer
肯 尼 迪 kěn ní dí : Kennedy (proper name)
臉 譜 liǎn pǔ : types of facial makeup in operas
軟 件 開 發 人 員 ruǎn jiàn kāi fā rén yuán : software developer
三 岔 口 sān chà kǒu : At The Crossroads, the name of a famous opera, story from Shui Hu Zhuan
實 時 操 作 環 境 shí shí cāo zuò huán jìng : real time operating environment
視 窗 shì chuāng : Windows (operating system)
手 術 shǒu shù : surgical operation; operation; surgery
屬 性 shǔ xìng : attribute; property
特 性 tè xìng : property; characteristic
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投 入 tóu rù : put into operation; throw into battle; to put into
妥 善 tuǒ shàn : appropriate; proper
王 wáng : king; Wang (proper name)
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網 路 作 業 系 統 wǎng lù zuò yè xì tǒng : network operating system
網 絡 操 作 系 統 wǎng luò cāo zuò xì tǒng : network operating system
武 打 wǔ dǎ : acrobatic fighting in Chinese opera or dance
夏 xià : summer; Xia (proper name)
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協 [协] «恊» xié : cooperate; harmonize; to help; to assist; to join
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行 動 xíng dòng : operation; action; to move; mobile
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遙 控 操 作 yáo kòng cāo zuò : remote operation
宜 «冝» yí : proper; should; suitable; appropriate
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移 殖 手 術 yí zhí shǒu shù : (organ) transplant operation
營 [营] yíng : army; to deal in; to trade; to operate; to run; camp; nourishment; to manage
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允 當 yǔn dàng : proper; suitable
運 算 yùn suàn : (mathematical) operation
運 算 環 境 yùn suàn huán jìng : operating environment
運 行 狀 況 yùn xíng zhuàng kuàng : operational state; running state
運 轉 yùn zhuǎn : to work; to operate; to revolve; to turn around
戰 區 zhàn qū : war zone; (military) theater of operations
正 常 工 作 zhèng cháng gōng zuò : normal operation; proper functioning
正 確 zhèng què : correct; proper
知 識 產 權 zhī shi chǎn quán : intellectual property rights
智 慧 產 權 zhì huì chǎn quán : intellectual property
專 有 名 詞 zhuān yǒu míng cí : proper noun
貲 [赀] zī : fine instead of punishment; property
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資 產 zī chǎn : property; assets
自 動 地 工 作 zì dòng de gōng zuò : automatic operation
作 法 zuò fǎ : course of action; method of doing something; practice; modus operandi
坐 好 zuò hǎo : to sit properly; to sit up straight
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