擺 設 bǎi shè : furnish and decorate (a room)
包 括 bāo kuò : to comprise; to include; to involve; to incorporate; to consist of
變 質 biàn zhì : go bad; deteriorate; metamorphism
並 入 bìng rù : merge into; incorporate in
闡 述 chǎn shù : expound (a position); elaborate (on a topic)
穿 chuān : to bore through; pierce; perforate; penetrate; pass through; to dress; to wear; to put on; to thread
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公 司 gōng sī : (business) company; company; firm; corporation; incorporated
合 作 hé zuò : to cooperate; to collaborate; to work together; cooperation
紀 念 jì niàn : to commemorate; to remember
旄 máo : banner decorated with animal's tail
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每 況 愈 下 měi kuàng yù xià : steadily deteriorate
牌 樓 pái lou : decorated archway
修 xiū : to decorate; to embellish; to repair; to build; to study; to write; to cultivate
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張 燈 結 綵 zhāng dēng jié cǎi : be decorated with lanterns and colored banners
蒸 發 zhēng fā : evaporate; evaporation
裝 飾 zhuāng shì : decorate; decorative; ornamental
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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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