八 旗 bā qí : the "Eight Banners" (military organization in Qing Dynasty)
擺 攤 子 bǎi tān zǐ : set up a stall; maintain a large staff and organization
班 子 bān zi : organized group; theatrical troupe
保 甲 制 度 bǎo jiǎ zhì dù : the Bao-Jia system (an administrative system organized on basis of households)
編 [编] biān : weave; plait; organize; group; arrange; edit; compile; write; compose; fabricate
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編 隊 biān duì : form into columns; organize into teams; formation (of ships or aircraft)
編 遣 biān qiǎn : reorganize (troops; etc; ) and discharge surplus personnel
編 組 biān zǔ : organize into groups; marshalling
便 函 biàn hán : an informal letter sent by an organization
標 準 組 織 biāo zhǔn zǔ zhī : standards organization; standards body
補 助 組 織 bǔ zhù zǔ zhī : auxiliary organizations
採 購 cǎi gòu : make purchases for an organization or enterprise; purchase
非 盈 利 利 的 組 fēi yíng lì de zǔ zhī : non-profit organization
非 政 府 組 織 fēi zhèng fǔ zǔ zhī : non-governmental organization (NGO)
改 組 gǎi zǔ : reorganize; reshuffle (posts, etc.)
機 構 jī gòu : organization; agency; institution
基 金 會 jī jīn huì : a foundation (ie, an organization)
建 制 jiàn zhì : organizational structure
教 學 機 構 jiào xué jī gòu : educational organization
接 納 jiē nà : admit (into membership of an organization)
俱 樂 部 jù lè bù : club (i.e. a group or organization)
貿 易 組 織 mào yì zǔ zhī : trade organization
名 稱 míng chēng : name (of a thing); name (of an organization)
人 權 觀 察 rén quán guān chá : Human Rights Watch (organization)
商 業 機 構 shāng yè jī gòu : commercial organization
生 物 shēng wù : living creature; organism; biological
體 制 tǐ zhì : system; organization
團 體 tuán tǐ : group; organization; team
亞 太 經 合 組 織 yà tài jīng hé zǔ zhī : APEC (organization)
嚴 密 yán mì : strict; tight (organization, surveillance, etc.)
政 府 機 構 zhèng fǔ jī gòu : government organization
政 治 機 構 zhèng zhì jī gòu : political organization
組 [组] zǔ : to form; compose; make up; group; to organize; cord
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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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