抱 佛 腳 bào fó jiǎo : clasp Buddha's feet - profess devotion only when in trouble; make a hasty last-minute effort
波 動 bō dòng : undulate; fluctuate; wave motion
不 信 任 案 bù xìn rèn àn : no-confidence motion
動 力 dòng lì : power; motion; propulsion; force
動 議 dòng yì : motion; proposal
動 作 dòng zuò : movement; motion; action
感 慨 gǎn kǎi : lament; with a tinge of emotion or regret
感 情 gǎn qíng : feeling; emotion; affection; sensation
觀 念 guān niàn : notion; thought
起 伏 qǐ fú : ups and downs; with a wavy motion (brush stroke in painting)
情 qíng : feeling; emotion; passion; situation
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情 感 qíng gǎn : feeling; emotion
情 緒 化 qíng xù huà : emotional; sentimental
熱 誠 rè chéng : devotion; fervor
升 遷 shēng qiān : promote; promotion
提 案 tí àn : proposal; motion (to be debated)
效 忠 xiào zhōng : vow loyalty and devotion to
運 行 yùn xíng : be in motion; to move; to run
軫 zhěn : d (11th); strongly (as of emotion)
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