哀 兵 必 勝 āi bǐng bì shèng : an army burning with righteous indignation is bound to win
安 分 ān fèn : not go beyond one's bounds; be law-abiding
安 好 ān hǎo : safe and sound; well
嗷 áo : loud clamor; the sound of wailing
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謷 áo : greatness; slander; sound of weeping
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拗 口 ào kǒu : hard to pronounce; awkward-sounding
叭 bā : denote a sound or sharp noise (gunfire; etc)
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笆 斗 bā dǒu : round-bottomed basket
百 孔 千 瘡 bǎi kǒng qiān chuāng : riddled with gaping wounds; afflicted with all ills
板 胡 bǎn hú : a bowed stringed instrument with a thin wooden soundboard
磅 bàng : a measure word; pound (unit of measurement); scale; weigh
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包 圍 bāo wéi : surround; encircle
保 險 bǎo xiǎn : insurance; safe; secure; be sure; be bound to
抱 «抔» bào : to hold; to carry (in one's arms); to hug or embrace; surround; cherish
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背 景 bèi jǐng : background; backdrop
本 «夲» běn : roots or stems of plants; origin; source; this; the current; root; foundation; basis; (a measure word)
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逼 死 bī sǐ : hound somebody to death; constantly aggravate
比 比 皆 是 bǐ bǐ jiē shì : can be found everywhere
比 目 魚 bǐ mù yú : flatfish; flounder
必 定 bì dìng : be bound to; be sure to
邊 [边] biān : side; edge; margin; border; boundary
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邊 際 biān jì : limit; bound; boundary
邊 界 biān jiè : boundary; border
邊 界 線 biān jiè xiàn : boundary line; border line
邊 音 biān yīn : lateral (sound)
遍 布 biàn bù : be found everywhere; (spread) all over
別 開 生 面 bié kāi shēng miàn : start something new or original; break a new path; break fresh ground
餅 [饼] bǐng : round flat cake; cookie; cake; pastry
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捕 風 捉 影 bǔ fēng zhuō yǐng : chase the wind and clutch at shadows - make groundless accusations; speak or act on hearsay evidence
不 好 惹 bù hǎo rě : not to be trifled with; not to be pushed around; stand no nonsense
不 見 經 傳 bù jiàn jīng zhuàn : not to be found in the classics - not authoritative; unknown
不 脛 而 走 bù jìng ér zǒu : get round fast; spread like wildfire
不 絕 如 縷 bù jué rú lǔ : hanging by a thread; very precarious; almost extinct; (of sound) linger on faintly
步 行 蟲 bù xíng chóng : ground beetle
不 易 之 論 bù yì zhī lùn : perfectly sound proposition; unalterable truth; irrefutable argument
參 觀 cān guān : to look around; to inspect; visit and observe
操 場 cāo chǎng : playground; sports field
纏 [缠] chán : to bother; wind around; wrap round; coil; involve; annoy; tangle
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闡 述 chǎn shù : expound (a position); elaborate (on a topic)
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沉 «瀋» chén : submerge; immerse; sink; deep; profound; to lower; to drop
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舂 chōng : to pound (grain); beat
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欻 chuā : (onomat.); a crashing sound
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創 [创] «剙» chuāng : a wound; cut; injury; trauma
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創 辦 人 chuàng bàn rén : founder (of an institution, etc)
創 建 chuàng jiàn : to found; to establish
創 立 chuàng lì : to found; establish; originate
醊 chuò : pour libation on ground
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簞 [箪] dān : round basket for cooked rice
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鐺 [铛] dāng : clank; clang; sound of metal
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搗 [捣] «擣» dǎo : pound; beat; hull; attack; disturb; stir
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氐 dǐ : foundation; on the whole
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底 dǐ : background; bottom; base
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地 dì : earth; ground; field; place; land
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地 對 空 導 彈 dì duì kōng dǎo dàn : ground-to-air missile
地 面 dì miàn : floor; ground; surface
地 皮 dì pí : lot, section of land, ground
地 下 水 dì xià shuǐ : groundwater
窵 [窎] diào : deep; distant; profound
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碓 duì : pestle; pound with a pestle
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複 韻 母 fù yùn mǔ : compound final
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崗 [岗] «岡» gǎng : mound; policeman's beat
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根 據 gēn jù : according to; based on; basis; foundation
呱 «哌» gū : crying sound of child
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簋 guǐ : round basket of bamboo
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嘓 «啯» guō : loud swallowing sound
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國 父 guó fù : father or founder of a nation
國 際 見 聞 guó jì jiàn wén : International Background Knowledge
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咍 hāi : (interj.); happy; sound of laughter
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合 成 hé chéng : compound; synthesis; mixture
哄 «閧» hōng : resound with laughter
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訇 hōng : (surname); sound of a crash
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浤 hóng : sound of water surging
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嘩 [哗] «譁» huā : crashing sound
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花 生 huā shēng : peanut; groundnut
嘩 [哗] «譁» huá : cat-calling sound; clamor; noise
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Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language
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Searches are case-sensitive and limited to 100 records.
Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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