傲 ào : proud; overbearing; insolent; arrogant
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Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language
霸 道 bà dào : overbearing; high-handed; (of liquor, medicine, etc) strong; potent; (feudal) rule by force
不 亢 不 卑 bù kàn bù bēi : neither haughty nor humble; neither overbearing nor servile; neither supercilious nor obsequious
驕 橫 jiāo hèng : arrogant; overbearing
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Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language
Zhendic searched overbe as en in 0 s.
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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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