班 門 弄 斧 bān mén nòng fǔ : display one's slight skill before an expert
變 賣 biàn mài : sell off (one's property)
冰 河 bīng hé : glacial; pertaining to ice age
稟 [禀] «廪» bǐng : natural property or endowment; report to (a superior)
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不 動 產 bù dòng chǎn : real estate; immovable property; immovables
不 遜 bù xùn : rude; impertinent
才 cái : ability; talent; endowment; gift; an expert; only (then); only if; just
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財 [财] cái : money; wealth; riches; property; valuables
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財 物 cái wù : property; belongings
產 [产] chǎn : to reproduce; to produce; give birth; products; produce; resources; estate; property
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產 權 chǎn quán : property right
產 業 chǎn yè : industry; estate; property; industrial
超 文 本 chāo wén běn : hypertext
超 文 本 標 記 語 言 chāo wén běn biāo jiè yǔ yán : hypertext markup language; HTML
超 文 本 傳 輸 協 定 chāo wén běn chuān shū xié dìng : hypertext transfer protocol; HTTP
超 文 件 chāo wén jiàn : hypertext
超 文 件 傳 輸 協 定 chāo wén jiàn chuān shū xié dìng : hypertext transfer protocol; HTTP
對 外 duì wài : external; foreign; pertaining to external or foreign (affairs)
防 務 fáng wù : (pertaining to) defense
分 析 人 士 fēn xī rén shì : analyst; expert
骨 法 gú fǎ : bone (property of a brush stroke)
關 於 guān yú : pertaining to; concerning; regarding; with regards to; about
琳 .戴 維 斯 lín dài wéi sī : Lynn Davis (US State Department arms control expert)
拿 手 ná shǒu : expert in; good at
擅 長 shàn cháng : to be good at; to be expert in
師 [师] shī : a division (milit.); teacher; master; expert; model
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屬 性 shǔ xìng : attribute; property
特 性 tè xìng : property; characteristic
為 時 wéi shí : timewise; pertaining to time
醫 療 經 驗 yī liáo jīng yàn : medical expertise
醫 學 專 家 yī xué zhuān jiā : medical expert; medical specialist
知 識 產 權 zhī shi chǎn quán : intellectual property rights
智 慧 產 權 zhì huì chǎn quán : intellectual property
專 [专] zhuān : for a particular person, occasion, purpose; focused on one thing; special; expert; particular (to sth); concentrated; specialized
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專 家 zhuān jiā : expert; specialist
專 家 評 論 zhuān jiā píng lùn : expert commentary
專 業 人 才 zhuān yè rén cái : expert (in a field)
貲 [赀] zī : fine instead of punishment; property
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資 產 zī chǎn : property; assets
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