璦 [瑷] ài : jasper; precious stone
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百 步 穿 楊 bǎi bù chuān yáng : shoot with great precision
寶 [宝] bǎo : a jewel or gem; a treasure; precious
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寶 貴 bǎo guì : valuable; precious; value; treasure; set store by
寶 石 bǎo shí : precious stone; gem
寶 藏 bǎo zàng : precious (mineral) deposits
貶 biǎn : to diminish; to demote; reduce or devaluate; disparage; censure; depreciate
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貶 低 biǎn dī : belittle; depreciate; play down
貶 抑 biǎn yì : belittle; depreciate
貶 值 biǎn zhí : to become devaluated; to devaluate; to depreciate
兵 貴 神 速 bīng guì shén sù : speed is precious in war
不 絕 如 縷 bù jué rú lǔ : hanging by a thread; very precarious; almost extinct; (of sound) linger on faintly
不 識 抬 舉 bù shí tái jǔ : fail to appreciate sb's kindness; not know how to appreciate favors
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躔 chán : course of stars; follow precedent
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崔 cuī : (surname); high mountain; precipitous
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澱 [淀] diàn : sediment; precipitate
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防 止 fáng zhǐ : to prevent; to guard against; to take precautions
瑰 guī : (semi-precious stone); extraordinary
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貴 [贵] guì : expensive; noble; your (name); precious
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嶡 guì : precipitous; mountainous
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鑒 賞 jiàn shǎng : to appreciate
僅 次 于 jǐn cì yú : second only to...; (in second place) preceded only by...
精 確 jīng què : accurate; precise
就 是 jiù shì : (emphasizes that something is precisely or exactly what is stated); precisely; exactly; even; if; just like; in the same way as
了 «了» le : (modal particle intenstifying preceding clause); (past tense marker)
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例 lì : example; precedent; rule; case; instance
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巃 lóng : steep; precipitous (of mountain)
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哪 na : (final part. preceded by N)
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其 «丌» qí : his; her; its; theirs; that; such; it (refers to sth preceding it)
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前 所 未 有 qián suǒ wèi yǒu : unprecedented
峭 壁 qiào bì : cliff; steep; precipice
確 切 què qiè : definite; exact; precise
如 出 一 轍 rú chū yī zhé : be precisely the same; be no different
姍 [姗] shān : deprecate; lithe (of woman's walk)
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昇 值 shēng zhí : rise in value; appreciate
淘 金 táo jīn : panning (for precious metals)
瑋 wěi : (reddish jade); precious; rare
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先 例 xiān lì : antecedent; precedent
嶮 [崄] xiǎn : precipitous; rugged
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欣 賞 xīn shǎng : to appreciate; to enjoy; to admire
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禕 [祎] yī : excellent; precious; rare
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預 防 yù fáng : to prevent; to take precautions against; to protect; to guard against
讚 賞 zàn shǎng : to admire; to praise; to appreciate
增 值 zēng zhí : appreciation (of a car, house, etc.); increase in value
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佔 先 zhàn xiān : to take precedence
漲 價 zhàng jià : appreciate; increase in price
珍 «珎» zhēn : precious thing; treasure
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準 確 zhǔn què : accurate; exact; precise
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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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