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Zhendic, a Chinese (trad.)-Pinyin-English dictionary
based on CEDICT
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céng : lofty; precipitous

Big5: , Unicode: 5d92 (嶒),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

chén diàn : precipitate

cuī : (surname); high mountain; precipitous

Big5: , Unicode: 5d14 (崔),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

[淀] diàn : sediment; precipitate

Big5: , Unicode: 6fb1 (澱),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

崿 è : cliff; precipice

Big5: , Unicode: 5d3f (崿),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

guì : precipitous; mountainous

Big5: , Unicode: 5da1 (嶡),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

lóng : steep; precipitous (of mountain)

Big5: , Unicode: 5dc3 (巃),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

qiào : cliff; steep; precipice

[崄] xiǎn : precipitous; rugged

Big5: , Unicode: 5dae (嶮),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

xuán : precipice

yái : precipice

Big5: , Unicode: 5d16 (崖),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

zhǎn : precipitous peak

Big5: , Unicode: 5d84 (嶄),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

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Zhendic searched precipi as en in 0 s.
Searches are case-sensitive and limited to 100 records.

Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict

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