本 初 子 午 線 běn chū zǐ wǔ xiàn : the first meridian; the prime meridian
懲 戒 chéng jiè : to discipline; reprimand
斥 chì : blame; reprove; reprimand
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初 選 chū xuǎn : (US) primaries (election)
副 總 理 fù zǒng lǐ : vice-premier; vice prime minister
橋 本 龍 太 郎 qiáo běn lóng tài láng : Hashimoto, Ryutaro (prime minister of Japan)
首 相 shǒu xiàng : (Japanese) prime minister
元 yuán : (dynasty); dollar; primary; first
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原 yuán : former; original; primary; raw; level; cause; source
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原 始 yuán shǐ : first; original; primitive; original (document, etc)
宰 相 zǎi xiàng : prime minister (in feudal China)
主 zhǔ : to own; to host; master; lord; primary
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主 要 zhǔ yào : main; principal; major; primary
主 要 原 因 zhǔ yào yuán yīn : main reason; primary cause
總 理 zǒng lǐ : premier; prime minister
最 初 zuì chū : first; primary; initial
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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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