諳 練 ān liàn : conversant; skilled; proficient
苞 bāo : flower calyx; luxuriant; profuse
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抱 佛 腳 bào fó jiǎo : clasp Buddha's feet - profess devotion only when in trouble; make a hasty last-minute effort
暴 利 bào lì : sudden huge profits
本 行 běn háng : one's line; one's own profession
裨 bì : to benefit; to aid; advantageous; profitable
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裨 益 bì yì : benefit; advantage; profit
繽 紛 bīn fēn : in riotous profusion
不 勞 而 獲 bù láo ér huò : reap without sowing; profit by other people's toil
沉 «瀋» chén : submerge; immerse; sink; deep; profound; to lower; to drop
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成 果 chéng guǒ : result; achievement; gain; profit
低 調 dī diào : low key; low-profile
窵 [窎] diào : deep; distant; profound
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非 盈 利 fēi yíng lì : non-profit
非 盈 利 利 的 組 fēi yíng lì de zǔ zhī : non-profit organization
工 gōng : work; worker; skill; profession; trade; craft; labor
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行 «行» háng : a row; profession; professional
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獲 暴 利 者 huò bào lì zhě : profiteer
獲 益 huò yì : obtain a benefit; profit from something
家 «傢» jiā : -ist; -er; -ian; home; family; a person engaged in a certain art or profession
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教 授 jiào shòu : university professor
教 授 畢 竟 是 教 授 jiào shòu bì jìng shì jiào shòu : professors are (after all) professors
精 «精» jīng : energy; perfect; excellent; refined; very; proficient
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浚 «濬» jùn : deepen; enlighten; profound
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濬 «浚» jùn : deepen; enlighten; profound
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利 «利» lì : advantage; benefit; profit; sharp
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入 木 三 分 rù mù sān fēn : written in a forceful hand; penetrating; profound
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深 奧 shēn ào : profound; profoundly
深 刻 shēn kè : profound; deep; deep-going
深 深 shēn shēn : deep; profound
世 俗 shì sú : profane; secular; worldly
收 益 shōu yì : earnings; profit
熟 練 shú liàn : practiced; proficient; skilled; skillful
損 益 sǔn yì : profit and loss; increase and decrease
投 機 tóu jī : be a speculator (profit seeking)
外 貌 wài mào : profile; appearance
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業 務 yè wù : business; profession
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贏 [赢] yíng : to beat; to win; to profit
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盈 虧 yíng kuī : profit and loss; waxing and waning
有 利 可 圖 yǒu lì kě tú : profitable
宥 yòu : forgive; help; profound
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職 業 zhí yè : job occupation; profession
指 導 教 授 zhǐ dǎo jiào shòu : adviser; advising professor
賺 [赚] zhuàn : earn; make a profit
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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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