比 重 bǐ zhòng : proportion; specific gravity
不 受 理 bù shòu lǐ : reject a complaint; refuse to entertain (a proposal)
不 易 之 論 bù yì zhī lùn : perfectly sound proposition; unalterable truth; irrefutable argument
草 案 cǎo àn : draft (legislation, proposal, etc.)
動 議 dòng yì : motion; proposal
法 案 fǎ àn : bill; proposed law
方 案 fāng àn : plan; program (for action, etc); proposal
乾 杯 gān bēi : to drink a toast; to propose a toast; here's to; cheers
胡 適 hú shì : Hu Shi (1891-1962), original proponent of bai2 hua4 wen2 ¥Õ¸Ü¤å
建 議 jiàn yì : to propose; to suggest; to recommend; proposal; suggestion; recommendation
求 婚 qiú hūn : propose marriage
提 案 tí àn : proposal; motion (to be debated)
提 出 tí chū : to raise (an issue); to propose; to put forward; to post (Usenet)
提 議 tí yì : proposal; suggestion; to propose; to suggest
勻 稱 yún chèn : well proportioned; well shaped
主 張 zhǔ zhāng : to advocate; to stand for; view; position; stand; proposition; viewpoint
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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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