安 民 告 示 ān míng gào shì : a notice to reassure the public; advance notice (of an agenda
頒 佈 bān bù : promulgate; issue; publish
榜 bǎng : a notice or announcement; a list of names; public roll of successful examinees
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保 安 bǎo bān : ensure public security; ensure safety (for workers engaged in production); public security
報 告 會 bào gào huì : public lecture (with guest speakers, etc)
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編 印 biān yìn : compile and print; publish
財 政 cái zhèng : finances (public); financial
沖 [冲] «盅» chōng : to rinse; to collide; to water; to rush; to dash (against); to wash out; to charge; highway; public road
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出 版 chū bǎn : to publish; to come off the press; to put out
出 版 社 chū bǎn shè : publishing house
大 庭 廣 眾 dà tíng guǎng zhòng : public place with numerous people
大 眾 dà zhòng : people; public; masses
登 dēng : scale; climb; ascend; mount; go up; register; note; to publish; to issue; to record
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多 米 尼 加 共 和 國 duō mǐ ní jiā gòng hé guó : Dominican Republic
發 表 fā biǎo : to issue (a statement); to publish; to issue; to put out
發 了 言 fā le yán : ("past tense" of :µo¨¥) spoke publicly; made a speech
公 gōng : just; honorable (designation); public; common
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公 安 gōng ān : (Ministry of) Public Security; public safety; public security
公 安 官 員 gōng ān guān yuán : public safety officials
公 佈 gōng bù : publicly announce; to make public; to publish
公 共 gōng gòng : public; common (use)
公 共 交 換 電 話 網 路 gōng gòng jiāo huàn diàn huà wǎng lù : public switched telephone network; PSTN
共 和 政 體 gōng hé zhèng tǐ : republican
公 開 鑰 匙 gōng kái yào shi : public key (in encryption)
公 然 gōng rán : (do something) openly; undisguised; publically
公 認 gōng rèn : publicly known (to be); accepted (as)
公 審 gōng shěn : public trial (in a court of law)
公 用 gōng yòng : public; for public use
公 用 交 換 電 話 網 gōng yòng jiāo huàn diàn huà wǎng : public switched telephone network; PSTN
公 眾 電 信 網 路 gōng zhòng diàn huà wǎng lù : public telephone network
公 眾 意 見 gōng zhòng yì jiàn : public opinion
共 和 黨 gòng hé dǎng : Republican Party
共 和 黨 人 gòng hé dǎng rén : a Republican party member
廣 場 guǎng chǎng : a public square (e.g. Tiananmen Square)
國 立 guó lì : national; state-run; public
國 有 guó yǒu : nationalized; public; government owned; state-owned
揭 曉 jiē xiǎo : announce publicly; disclose
捷 克 共 和 國 jié kè gòng hé guó : Czech Republic
開 放 kāi fàng : lift (restrictions); open; to lift a ban; to make open to the public
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刊 登 kān dēng : carry a story; publish (in a newspaper or magazine)
科 學 編 輯 kē xué biān jí : science editor (of a publication)
露 面 lòu miàn : appear (in public)
民 意 mín yì : public opinion; popular will; public will
披 露 pī lù : to reveal; to publish; to make public; to announce
評 [评] píng : to discuss; to comment; to criticize; to judge; to choose (by public appraisal)
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人 士 rén shì : person; figure; public figure
問 世 wèn shì : to be published; to come out
宣 xuān : to declare (publicly); to announce
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張 揚 zhāng yáng : publicize; make known
知 名 人 士 zhī míng rén shì : public figure; celebrity
治 安 zhì ān : law and order; public security
中 華 民 國 zhōng huá mín guó : Republic of China
中 華 人 民 共 和 國 zhōng huá rén mín gòng hé guó : The People's Republic of China
週 刊 zhōu kān : weekly publication; weekly
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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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