變 文 biàn wén : a popular form of narrative literature flourishing in the Tang Dynasty (618-907) with alternate prose and rhymed parts for recitation and singing (often on Buddhistic themes)
不 得 人 心 bù dé rén xīn : not enjoy popular support; be unpopular
吃 不 開 chī bu kāi : be unpopular; won't work
紅 [红] hóng : bonus; popular; red; revolutionary
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流 行 liú xíng : popular; fashionable; prevalent
民 間 mín jiān : among the people; popular; folk; non-governmental; involving people rather than governments
民 意 mín yì : public opinion; popular will; public will
普 pǔ : general; popular; everywhere; universal
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普 及 pǔ jí : widespread; popular; universal; ubiquitous
受 歡 迎 shòu huān yíng : popular; welcome
推 廣 tuī guǎng : popularize; make more widespread
香 xiāng : fragrant; incense; (of food) savory; appetizing; sweet; scented; popular
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興 [兴] xīng : flourish; it is the fashion to; to become popular
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謠 [谣] yáo : popular ballad; rumor
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支 持 率 zhī chí lǜ : support level; popularity rating
抓 飯 zhuā fàn : a kind of food popular among believers in Islam
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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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