拔 秧 bá yāng : pull up seedlings (for transplanting)
搬 bān : remove; transport; move; shift
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搬 運 bān yùn : carry; transport
辦 理 bàn lǐ : to handle; to transact; to conduct
半 透 明 bàn tòu míng : translucent; semitransparent
綁 票 bǎng piào : kidnap (for ransom)
報 話 機 bào huà jī : walkie-talkie; portable radio transmitter
筆 譯 bǐ yì : written translation
編 譯 biān yì : translate and edit
變 [变] «変» biàn : to change; to become different; to transform; to vary; rebellion
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變 電 站 biàn diàn zhàn : (transformer) substation
變 革 biàn gé : transform; change
變 壓 器 biàn yā qì : transformer
播 放 bō fàng : broadcast; transmit
播 送 bō sòng : broadcast; transmit; beam
播 音 bō yīn : transmit; broadcast
駁 [驳] «駮» bó : argue; parti-colored; tranship; dispute; contradict; refute
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駮 «駁» bó : argue; parti-colored; tranship
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駁 運 bó yùn : transport by lighter; lighter
不 及 物 動 詞 bù jí wù dòng cí : intransitive verb
漕 cáo : transport by water; watercourse; canal
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抄 chāo : to copy; to plagiarize; to search and seize; to go; to transcribe; to take a shortcut; to search and confiscate
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超 chāo : to exceed; overtake; surpass; transcend; ultra-; super-; to pass; to cross
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超 文 本 傳 輸 協 定 chāo wén běn chuān shū xié dìng : hypertext transfer protocol; HTTP
超 文 件 傳 輸 協 定 chāo wén jiàn chuān shū xié dìng : hypertext transfer protocol; HTTP
抄 寫 chāo xiě : to copy; to transcribe
傳 [传] chuán : to pass on; to spread; to transmit; to infect; to transfer; to circulate; to pass on; to conduct (electricity)
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傳 輸 chuán shū : transport; transmission
傳 輸 服 務 chuán shū fú wù : transport service
傳 輸 技 術 chuán shū jì shì : transmission technology
傳 輸 距 離 chuán shū jù lí : transmission distance
傳 輸 控 制 協 定 chuán shū kōng zhì xié dìng : transmission control protocol; TCP
傳 輸 控 制 chuán shū kòng zhì : transmission control
傳 輸 率 chuán shū lǜ : transmission rate
傳 輸 媒 界 chuán shū méi jiè : transport method
傳 輸 媒 體 chuán shū méi tǐ : transmission medium
傳 輸 媒 質 chuán shū méi zhì : transmission medium
傳 輸 模 式 chuán shū mó shì : transfer mode; transmission method
傳 輸 設 備 chuán shū shè bèi : transmission facility; transmission equipment
傳 輸 速 率 chuán shū sù lǜ : transmission rate; transmission speed
傳 輸 通 道 chuán shū tōng dào : transport channel
傳 輸 協 定 chuán shū xié dìng : transfer protocol; transportation protocol
傳 真 發 送 chuán zhēn fā sòng : fax transmission
單 據 dān jù : receipts; invoices; transaction records
檔 案 轉 送 dàng àn zhuǎn sòng : file transfer
檔 案 轉 送 存 取 及 管 理 dàng àn zhuǎn sòng cún qǔ jí guǎn lǐ : File Transfer, Access and Management; FTAM
導 [导] dǎo : to transmit; to lead; to guide; to conduct; to direct
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地 址 的 轉 換 dì zhǐ de zhuǎn huàn : address translation
調 [调] diào : mode (music); to move (troops); tune; tone; melody; to transfer
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調 動 diào dòng : transfer; maneuver (troops, etc.)
斗 批 改 dòu pī gǎi : struggle-criticism-transformation (Cultural Revolution slogan)
發 送 fā sòng : to transmit; to dispatch
發 送 功 率 fā sòng gōng lǜ : transmission power; output power
發 送 器 fā sòng qì : transmitter
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翻 «繙» fān : flit about; translate; turn over
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販 運 fàn yùn : to transport (for sale); to traffic (in sth)
非 同 步 傳 輸 模 式 fēi tóng bù chuán shū mó shì : asynchronous transfer mode; ATM
副 本 fù běn : duplicate; transcript
改 gǎi : to change; to alter; to transform; to correct
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改 變 gǎi biàn : to change; to alter; to transform
改 變 形 像 gǎi biàn xíng xiàng : transfiguration
改 造 gǎi zào : to change; to alter; to transform
光 發 送 器 guāng fā sòng qì : optical transmitter
過 渡 guò dù : transition; interim
過 渡 時 期 guò dù shí qī : transition
過 境 簽 証 guò jìng qiān zhèng : transit visa
航 運 háng yùn : shipping; transport
劃 [划] huà : to delimit; to transfer
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橫 斷 物 héng duàn wù : transverse object
化 huà : to make into; to change into; -ization; to ... -ize; to transform
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機 械 翻 譯 jī xiè fān yì : machine translation
寄 送 jì sòng : to send; to transmit
交 易 jiāo yì : (business) transaction; business deal
交 易 額 jiāo yì é : sum or volume or amount of business transactions
解 «觧» jiè : transport under guard
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今 譯 jīn yì : modern language version; modern translation; contemporary translation
槿 jǐn : Hibiscus syriacus; transient
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進 行 交 易 jìn xíng jiāo yì : to carry out a transaction
跨 國 kuà guó : transnational; multinational
跨 國 公 司 kuà guó gōng sī : transnational corporation; multinational corporation
買 賣 mǎi mài : buying and selling; business dealings; transactions
盤 [盘] pán : dish; tray; to build; to check; to examine; to transfer; (a measure word used for dishes of food or coils of wire); to coil
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器 官 移 殖 qì guān yí zhí : organ transplant
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闍 [阇] shé : used in Buddhist transliteration
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輸 [输] shū : to transport; to lose
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輸 送 shū sòng : transport; carry
輸 送 媒 介 shū sòng méi jiè : transport medium
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數 據 傳 輸 shù jù chuán shū : data transmission
透 明 tòu míng : transparent; open (non-secretive)
透 明 度 tòu míng dù : transparency; (policy of) openness
透 通 性 tòu tōng xìng : transparency (networking)
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心 臟 移 殖 xīn zàng yí zhí : heart transplant
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