敳 ái : able (in administrating)
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安 全 考 慮 ān quán kǎo lǜ : security consideration
保 甲 制 度 bǎo jiǎ zhì dù : the Bao-Jia system (an administrative system organized on basis of households)
報 酬 bào chóu : reward; remuneration
報 單 bào dān : taxation form; declaration form
報 恩 bào ēn : pay a debt of gratitude
抱 負 bào fù : aspiration; ambition
輩 [辈] bèi : contemporaries; generation; lifetime
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備 耕 bèi gēng : make preparations for ploughing and sowing
比 bǐ : (particle used for comparison and "-er than"); to compare; to contrast; to gesture (with hands); ratio
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比 較 bǐ jiào : compare; contrast; fairly; comparatively; relatively; quite; rather
比 較 而 言 bǐ jiào ér yán : comparatively speaking
比 較 新 bǐ jiào xīn : comparatively new; relatively new
比 率 bǐ lǜ : ratio; rate; percentage
比 值 bǐ zhí : specific value; ratio
邊 幣 biān bì : Border Region currency (consisting of the currency notes issued by the Border Region governments during the War of Resistance Against Japan and the War of Liberation)
變 動 biàn dòng : change; alteration
變 天 biàn tiān : change of weather; restoration of reactionary rule
變 文 biàn wén : a popular form of narrative literature flourishing in the Tang Dynasty (618-907) with alternate prose and rhymed parts for recitation and singing (often on Buddhistic themes)
癟 螺 痧 biě luó shā : cholera (with dehydration)
剝 採 比 bō cǎi bǐ : stripping-to-ore ratio; stripping ratio
操 作 環 境 cāo zuò huán jìng : operating environment
操 作 速 率 cāo zuò sù lǜ : operating speed
操 作 系 統 cāo zuò xì tǒng : operating system
曹 «曺» cáo : a company; a class; a generation; (a surname)
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層 次 céng cì : arrangement of ideas; administrative level; level; stage; phase
長 短 cháng duǎn : length; duration
徹 [彻] chè : pervade; penetrate; pass through; thorough; penetrating
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陳 述 句 chén shù jù : declarative sentence
吃 大 戶 chī dà hù : mass seizure of food from landlords during famines before liberation
吃 刀 chī dāo : penetration of a cutting tool
持 久 chí jiǔ : duration; endure; lasting
侈 chǐ : extravagant; wasteful; exaggerating
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重 chóng : to double; to repeat; repetition; iteration; again; a layer
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採 收 率 cǎi shōu lù : recovery ratio
大 公 司 dà gōng sī : large company; corporation
大 舉 dà jǔ : carry out a large-scale (military) operation
代 dài : substitute; replace; generation; dynasty; geological era; era; age; period
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黨 政 dǎng zhèng : party policy; (Communist) Party and government administration
得 寸 進 尺 dé cùn jìn chǐ : literal: get an inch, want a foot; figurative: given an inch, want a mile
典 禮 diǎn lǐ : celebration; ceremony
電 腦 與 電 話 系 統 整 合 diàn nǎo yǔ diàn huà xì tǒng zhěng hé : computer telephony integration; CTI
多 邊 合 作 duō biān hé zuò : multilateral cooperation
發 表 聲 明 fā biǎo shēng míng : to issue a statement; to issue a declaration
分 離 主 義 fēn lí zhǔ yì : separatism
浮 點 運 算 fú diǎn yùn suàn : floating point operation
改 變 形 像 gǎi biàn xíng xiàng : transfiguration
感 謝 gǎn xiè : (express) thanks; gratitude; grateful; thankful; thanks
幹 事 gàn shi : administrative secretary (in charge of something)
公 司 gōng sī : (business) company; company; firm; corporation; incorporated
共 同 gòng tóng : common; joint; jointly; together; collaborative
共 同 篩 選 gòng tóng shāi xuǎn : collaborative filtering
顧 [顾] gù : look after; take into consideration; to attend to
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顧 及 gù jí : take into account; take into consideration
故 事 gù shì : narrative; story; tale
管 理 guǎn lǐ : to supervise; to manage; to administer; management; administration
貴 族 化 guì zú huà : aristocratic
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核 不 擴 散 hé bù kuò sàn : nuclear nonproliferation
合 理 hé lǐ : rationale; reasonable
合 作 hé zuò : to cooperate; to collaborate; to work together; cooperation
后 人 hòu rén : later generation
歡 騰 huān téng : jubilation; great celebration
環 形 結 構 huán xíng jié gòu : ring configuration
黃 建 南 huáng jiàn nán : John Huang (Democratic Party fundraiser)
紀 念 館 jì niàn guǎn : memorial hall; commemorative museum
紀 念 日 jì niàn rì : day of commemoration; memorial day
尖 銳 jiān ruì : sharp; intense; penetrating; pointed
簡 短 jiǎn duǎn : brief; short-duration
較 大 jiào dà : comparatively large
解 放 jiě fàng : liberation; to liberate
解 放 軍 jiě fàng jūn : People's Liberation Army (i.e. the Chinese army)
經 營 管 理 和 維 護 jīng yíng guǎn lǐ hé wéi hù : Operations Administration and Maintenance; OAM
久 «乆» jiǔ : (long) time; (long) duration of time
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絕 望 jué wàng : desperation; forlorn; hopeless
開 刀 kāi dāo : to perform or have an operation; to operate on or to be operated on
考 慮 kǎo lǜ : to think over; to consider; consideration
跨 國 公 司 kuà guó gōng sī : transnational corporation; multinational corporation
擴 散 kuò sàn : spread; proliferation
老 驥 伏 櫪 志 在 千 里 lǎo jì fú lì zhì zài qiān lǐ : (lit.) an old steed in the stable still aspires to gallop 1000 li; (fig.) old people may still cherish high aspirations
老 套 lǎo tào : old things; old ways (pejorative)
聯 邦 lián bāng : federal; federation
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買 好 mǎi hǎo : to ingratiate oneself
美 國 廣 播 公 司 měi guó guǎng bō gōng sī : ABC (American Broadcasting Corporation)
民 進 黨 mín jìn dǎng : DPP (Democratic Progressive Party, Taiwan)
民 選 mín xuǎn : democratically elected
民 主 黨 mín zhǔ dǎng : Democratic Party
民 主 黨 人 mín zhǔ dǎng rén : a Democratic party member
民 主 政 治 mín zhǔ zhèng zhì : democracy; democratic
念 日 niàn rì : memorial day; commemoration day
濃 縮 nóng sù : concentrate; concentration
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