謷 áo : greatness; slander; sound of weeping
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白 屈 菜 bái qū cài : greater celandine
百 步 穿 楊 bǎi bù chuān yáng : shoot with great precision
擺 架 子 bǎi jià zǐ : put on airs; assume great airs
敗 退 bài tuì : retreat in defeat
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保 外 就 醫 bǎo wài jiù yī : (of a prisoner) released for medical treatment
北 大 荒 běi dà huāng : the Great Northern Wilderness (in Northern China)
北 大 西 洋 公 約 組 織 běi dà xī yán gōng yuē zǔ zhī : the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
奔 流 bēn liú : flow at great speed; pour; racing current
本 草 綱 目 běn cǎo gāng mù : An Outline Treatise of Medical Herbs, compiled by Li3 Shi2 Zhen1 §õ®É¬Ã
逼 人 bī rén : pressing; threatening
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贔 bì : able to support great weight
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編 造 biān zào : compile; draw up; work out; fabricate; invent; concoct; make up; cook up; create out of the imagination
辯 証 施 治 biàn zhèng shī zhì : diagnosis and treatment based on an overall analysis of the illness and the patient's condition
標 新 立 異 biāo xīn lì yì : start something new in order to be different; do something unconventional or unorthodox; create something new and original
憋 biē : hold in (urine); to hold (breath); to choke; stifle; restrain; hold back
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屏 氣 bǐng qì : hold one's breath
屏 息 bǐng xī : hold one's breath
波 瀾 bō lán : great waves; billows
波 瀾 壯 闊 bō lán zhuàng kuò : surging forward with great momentum; unfolding on a magnificent scale
波 濤 bō tāo : great waves; billows
補 法 bǔ fǎ : treatment involving the use of tonics to restore the patient's health; reinforcing method (in acupuncture)
不 急 之 務 bù jí zhì wù : a matter of no great urgency
不 可 同 日 而 語 bù kě tóng rì ér yǔ : cannot be mentioned in the same breath
不 平 等 條 約 bù píng děng tiáo yuē : unequal treaty
才 思 cái sī : imaginative power; creativeness
長 城 cháng chéng : the Great Wall
長 城 卡 cháng chéng kǎ : Great Wall Card (credit card issued by Bank of China)
場 [场] «塲» chǎng : a courtyard; open space; place; field; a measure word; (a measure word, used for sport or recreation)
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衝 [冲] chòng : of great force; towards
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出 風 頭 chū fēng tou : to create a stir; to enjoy the limelight
處 理 chǔ lǐ : to handle; to treat; to deal with; to process
喘 不 過 氣 來 chuǎn bú guò qì lái : cannot breathe
喘 氣 chuǎn qì : to breathe deeply; to pant
喘 息 chuǎn zī : to gasp for breath; to take a breather
創 [创] «剙» chuàng : begin; initiate; inaugurate; start; create
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創 造 chuàng zào : to create; to bring about; to produce
創 造 力 chuàng zào lì : ingenuity; creativity
創 造 性 chuàng zào xìng : creativeness; creativity
創 造 者 chuàng zào zhě : creator
創 作 chuàng zuò : to create; to produce; to write; creative work; creation
大 dà : big; huge; large; major; great; wide; deep; oldest; eldest
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大 部 份 dà bù fen : (in) large part; (the) greater part; the majority
大 多 dà duō : for the most part; many; most; the greater part; mostly
大 多 數 dà duō shù : (great) majority
大 功 dà gōng : great merit; great service
大 量 dà liàng : great amount; large quantity; numerous
大 鬧 天 宮 dà nào tiān gōng : "The Monkey Creates Havoc in Heaven", story about Sun Wu Kong
大 師 dà shī : great master; master
大 失 所 望 dà shī suǒ wàng : greatly disappointed
大 問 題 dà wèn tí : great problem; large problem
大 業 dà yè : great cause; great undertaking
待 dài : wait; treat; deal with; need; about; intending to do something
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待 遇 dài yù : treatment; pay; wages; treatment; status; salary
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檔 案 建 立 dàng àn jiàn lì : file creation
當 作 dàng zuò : treat as; regard as
當 做 dàng zuò : to treat as; to regard as; to look upon as
導 致 dǎo zhì : to lead to; to create; to cause; to bring about
訂 立 dìng lì : agree to (treaty, contract, agreement)
恫 嚇 dòng hè : intimidate; make threats
對 待 duì dài : treat; treatment
多 麼 duō me : how (wonderful, etc); what (a great idea, etc); however (difficult it may be, etc)
繁 «緐» fán : complicated; many; in great numbers
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費 力 fèi lì : great effort; to strain (oneself)
豐 [丰] «豊» fēng : (surname); abundant; plentiful; great
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各 大 軍 區 gè dà jūn qū : "the greater military areas"
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呵 «訶» hē : expel breath; my goodness
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和 平 條 約 hé píng tiáo yuē : peace treaty
很 多 hěn duō : very many; very much; great (quantity)
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鴻 [鸿] hóng : eastern bean goose; great; large
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呼 «謼» hū : to call; to cry; to shout; to breath out; to exhale
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歡 騰 huān téng : jubilation; great celebration
恢 huī : to restore; to recover; great
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夥 «伙» huǒ : assistant; partner; many; great; numerous
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寄 予 很 大 期 望 jì yú hěn dà qí wàng : to place great hope or expectation on (sth)
建 立 jiàn lì : creation; set up; construction; build; establish; set up
節 外 生 枝 jié wài shēng zhī : new problems complicate an issue; deliberately create such problems
价 «價» jiè : great; good; middleman; servant
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儘 量 jǐn liàng : as much as possible; to the greatest extent
禁 止 核 武 器 試 驗 條 約 jìn zhǐ wǔ qì shì yàn tiáo yuē : nuclear test ban treaty
鉅 [钜] «巨» jù : great; hard iron
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鈞 [钧] jūn : 30 catties; great; your (hon.)
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軍 事 威 脅 jūn shì wēi xié : military threat
開 心 kāi xīn : to feel happy; to have a great time; to make fun of somebody
懇 求 kěn qiú : beg; entreat; entreaty
恐 嚇 kǒng hè : to threaten; to menace
療 [疗] liáo : to treat; to cure
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療 法 liáo fǎ : therapy; treatment
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