安 南 ān nán : [Kofi] Annan [UN Secretary General]
奧 爾 布 賴 特 ào ěr bù lài tè : (Madeleine) Albright (US Secretary of State)
保 留 bǎo liú : continue to have; retain; hold back; reserve; reservations; hold back (approval or acceptance); to preserve; maintain
報 復 bào fù : make reprisals; retaliate; revenge; retaliation
病 機 bìng jī : interpretation of the cause; onset and process of an illness; pathogenesis
部 長 bù zhǎng : head of a (government, etc) department; section chief; section head; secretary; minister
幹 事 gàn shi : administrative secretary (in charge of something)
國 防 部 長 guó fáng bù zhǎng : Defense secretary; Defense Minister
國 務 次 卿 guó wù cì qīng : Under Secretary of State
國 務 卿 guó wù qīng : Secretary of State
回 報 huí bào : (in) return; reciprocation; payback; retaliation
減 低 速 度 jiǎn dī sù dù : retard; decelarate
減 緩 jiǎn huǎn : to slow down; to retard
科 恩 kē ēn : Cohen (U.S. defense secretary)
留 «畄» liú : leave (message); to retain; to stay; to remain; to keep; to preserve
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魯 賓 lǔ bīn : Rubin (e.g. Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin)
洛 德 luò dé : (Winston) Lord (former assistant Secretary of state for East Asia and Pacific Affairs)
秘 書 長 mì shū zhǎng : secretary-general
竊 聽 qiè tīng : eavesdrop; wiretap
收 回 shōu huí : to regain; to retake; to take back; to withdraw; to revoke
斯 佩 羅 sī pèi luó : (Joan) Spero (Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs)
外 長 wài zhǎng : foreign minister; secretary of state; minister of foreign affairs
以 牙 還 牙 yǐ yá huán yá : a tooth for a tooth (retaliation)
直 通 車 zhí tōng chē : "through train" (refers to the idea of retaining previous legislature after transition to Chinese rule in Hong Kong or Macao)
繇 zhòu : interpretations of the trigrams
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總 書 記 zǒng shū ji : general-secretary (of Communist Party)
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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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