哀 兵 必 勝 āi bǐng bì shèng : an army burning with righteous indignation is bound to win
包 辦 bāo bàn : take care of everything concerning a job; run the whole show
杯 水 車 薪 bēi shuǐ chē xīn : trying to put out a burning cartload of faggots with a cup of water - an utterly inadequate measure
博 聞 強 記 bó wén qiáng jì : have wide learning and a retentive memory; have encyclopedic knowledge
不 學 無 術 bù xué wú shù : have neither learning nor skill; be ignorant and incompetent
才 疏 學 淺 cái shū xué qiǎn : have little talent and less learning
才 學 cái xué : talent and learning; scholarship
晨 chén : morning; dawn; daybreak
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旦 «蛋» dàn : dawn; morning; day-break; day
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關 於 guān yú : pertaining to; concerning; regarding; with regards to; about
警 報 jǐng bào : (fire) alarm; alert signal; alarm; alert; warning
凌 晨 líng chén : early in the morning
描 紅 miáo hóng : to trace over red characters (as a method of learning to write)
南 華 早 報 nán huá zǎo bào : South China Morning Post (newspaper in Hong Kong)
媊 qián : planet Venus in the morning
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收 益 shōu yì : earnings; profit
死 記 sǐ jì : cram; rote learning
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禫 tǎn : sacrifice at the end of mourning
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體 會 tǐ huì : know (through learning or by experience)
銷 毀 xiāo huǐ : to destroy (by melting or burning)
學 術 xué shù : learning; science; academic
學 問 xué wèn : learning; knowledge
有 關 yǒu guān : to have something to do with; to relate to; to concern; concerning; related to
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政 府 警 告 zhèng fǔ jǐng gào : government warning
追 悼 zhuī dào : mourning; memorial (service, etc.)
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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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