本 位 běn wèi : standard; one's own department or unit
本 位 主 義 běn wèi zhǔ yì : selfish departmentalism; departmental selfishness
伯 恩 斯 bó ēn sī : (Nicholas) Burns (US State Department spokesperson)
部 «卩» bù : ministry; department; section; part; division; troops; board; (a measure word); (a measure word for works of literature, films, machines, etc.)
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部 門 bù mén : department; branch; section; division
部 長 bù zhǎng : head of a (government, etc) department; section chief; section head; secretary; minister
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處 [处] «処» chù : a place; location; spot; point; office; department; bureau; respect
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國 防 部 guó fáng bù : Defense Department; Ministry of National Defense
國 務 院 guó wù yuàn : State Department (USA); State Council (China)
間 隔 jiàn gé : compartment; gap; interval
警 察 局 jǐng chá jú : police department
琳 .戴 維 斯 lín dài wéi sī : Lynn Davis (US State Department arms control expert)
門 診 室 mén zhěn shì : clinic; outpatient department (or consulting room)
內 科 nèi kē : medical department
商 務 部 shāng wù bù : Commerce Department (of the US government)
司 法 部 sī fǎ bù : Justice Department (of the US government)
幃 [帏] wéi : curtain; women's apartment; tent
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衛 生 部 wèi shēng bù : health department
系 «繫» xì : be; system; to tie; department; faculty
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院 長 yuàn zhǎng : president (of a university, etc.); department head; dean
總 後 勤 部 zǒng hòu qín bù : (military) General Logistics Department
總 政 治 部 zǒng zhèng zhì bù : (military) General Political Department
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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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