逼 供 信 bī gòng xìn : obtain confessions by compulsion; confession under duress
部 委 bù wěi : ministries and commissions
抄 家 chāo jiā : to search a house and confiscate possessions
癲 [癫] diān : convulsions; crazy
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Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language
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反 響 fǎn xiǎng : repercussions; reaction; echo
高 漲 gāo zhǎng : upsurge; (tensions, etc.) run high
顧 慮 gù lǜ : misgivings; apprehensions
和 平 會 談 hé píng huì tán : peace talks; peace discussions
紅 樓 夢 hóng lóu mèng : A Dream of Red Mansions
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會 談 huì tán : talks; discussions
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Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language
亂 作 決 定 luàn zuò jué dìng : to make arbitrary decisions
侵 入 qīn rù : to make (military) incursions; to invade
糗 qiǔ : (surname); dry provisions
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食 品 shí pǐn : foodstuff; food; provisions
醞 釀 yùn niàng : mull over (an issue); carry on a preliminary round of exploratory discussions
轉 [转] «転» zhuǎi : show off with literary expressions
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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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