抱 薪 救 火 bào xīn jiù huǒ : carry faggots to put out a fire - adopt a wrong method to save a situation and end up by making it worse
彼 一 時 /此 一 時 bǐ yī shí cǐ yī shí : that was one situation; and this is another - times have changed
病 急 亂 投 醫 bìng jí luàn tóu yī : turn to any doctor one can find when critically ill - try anything when in a desperate situation
不 可 終 日 bù kě zhōng rì : be unable to carry on even for a single day; be in a desperate situation
不 摸 頭 bù mō tóu : not acquainted with the situation; not up on things
場 合 chǎng hé : situation; occasion
出 路 chū lù : a way out (of a difficult situation, etc)
大 局 dà jú : general situation; present conditions
對 策 duì cè : countermeasure for dealing with a situation
尬 gà : in an embarrassing situation
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驚 濤 駭 浪 jīng tāo hài làng : perilous situation
局 jú : (a measure word used for games) set or round office; situation; office
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局 面 jú miàn : aspect; phase; situation
局 勢 jú shì : situation; state (of affairs)
況 [况] kuàng : moreover; situation
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扭 轉 niǔ zhuǎn : reverse; turn around (an undesirable situation)
氣 候 qì hòu : climate; atmosphere; situation
情 qíng : feeling; emotion; passion; situation
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情 況 qíng kuàng : circumstances; state of affairs; situation
情 形 qíng xing : circumstances; situation
事 態 shì tài : situation; existing state of affairs
手 裡 shǒu lǐ : (a situation is) in (someone's) hands
危 急 wēi jí : critical; desperate (situation)
危 局 wēi jú : perilous situation
位 於 wèi yú : be situated (in, at)
現 實 情 況 xiàn shí qíng kuàng : current state; current situation
陷 於 xiàn yú : caught in (a bad situation); fall into (a trap, etc.)
現 狀 xiàn zhuàng : current situation
形 式 xíng shì : form; shape; situation; circumstance
形 勢 xíng shì : circumstances; situation; terrain
疫 情 yì qíng : epidemic situation
真 情 zhēn qíng : real situation; the truth
整 體 zhěng tǐ : overall; as a whole; whole (thing, situation); entirety; integrated
政 局 zhèng jú : political situation
狀 況 zhuàng kuàng : condition; state; situation
自 拔 zì bá : free oneself; extricate oneself from a difficult situation
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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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