按 àn : to press (with the hand); to push; to control; to restrain; to check; pressing down (brush movement in painting); according to; in the light of
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凹 凸 印 刷 āo tū yìn shuā : embossing; die stamping
凹 凸 軋 花 āo tū zhá huā : embossing
逼 人 bī rén : pressing; threatening
撥 冗 bō rǒng : find time in the midst of pressing affairs
不 好 意 思 bù hǎo yì si : feel embarrassed; be ill at ease; find it embarrassing (to do sth; )
不 見 了 bù jiàn le : disappear; be missing
猜 拳 cāi quán : a finger-guessing game; mora
揣 測 chuǎi cè : guess; guessing
尬 gà : in an embarrassing situation
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更 衣 室 gēng yī shì : changeroom; dressing room; locker room; toilet
海 關 hǎi guān : customs (ie, border crossing inspection)
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降 福 jiàng fú : blessings from heaven
路 口 lù kǒu : crossing; intersection (of roads)
迫 pò : to force; to compel; pressing; urgent
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冉 rǎn : (surname); passing (of time)
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苒 rǎn : luxuriant growth; passing (of time)
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日 益 rì yì : day by day; more and more; increasingly; more and more with each passing day
失 蹤 shī zōng : be missing; be unaccounted for
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調 味 汁 tiáo wèi zhī : dressing; sauce
文 書 處 理 wén shū chǔ lǐ : word processing
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影 像 處 理 yǐng xiàng chǔ lǐ : image processing
蒸 蒸 日 上 zhēng zhēng rì shàng : becoming more prosperous with each passing day
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Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language
Zhendic searched ssing as en in 0 s.
Searches are case-sensitive and limited to 100 records.
Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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